AT&T-Time Warner Case: How the Biggest Antitrust Trial in Years Could Play Out

  Source: NY Times | By CECILIA KANG  The chief executives of AT&T and Time Warner, Randall Stephenson, left, and Jeffrey Bewkes, testified to a Senate subcommittee in 2016 about the proposed merger
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Telecom giant accused of doing bidding of LGBT movement

  Source: One News Now | Charlie Butts AT&T continues its long record of lending support to the left on social issues, according to a corporate watchdog group. 2ndVote tracks major companies
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TITANPOINTE The NSA’s Spy Hub in New York, Hidden in Plain Sight

  Source: The Intercept | Ryan Gallagher, Henrik Moltke  THEY CALLED IT Project X. It was an unusually audacious, highly sensitive assignment: to build a massive skyscraper, capable of withstanding an
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Disastrous 1996 Telecommunications Act

By Stephen Lendman The 1996 Telecommunications Act, during the Bill and Hillary Clinton co-presidency, deregulated all communication industries – paving the way for greater consolidation, less competition, less concern about
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“Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death”: The Loss Of Our Freedoms In The Wake Of 9/11

The Rutherford Institute | John W. Whitehead  “Since mankind’s dawn, a handful of oppressors have accepted the responsibility over our lives that we should have accepted for ourselves. By doing so,
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DID YOU KNOW?: Two Secretive Israeli Companies Reportedly Bugged The US Telecommunications Grid For The NSA

Source: Business Insider Michael B Kelley JUN. 7, 2013, 11:20 AM ACLU The newest information regarding the NSA domestic spying scandal raises an important question: If America’s tech giants didn’t
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Two Secretive Israeli Companies Reportedly Bugged The US Telecommunications Grid For The NSA

Source: Business Insider The newest information regarding the NSA domestic spying scandal raises an important question: If America’s tech giants didn’t ‘participate knowingly’ in the dragnet of electronic communication, how
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