Why Not Newt?

  Source: The New American | By William F. Jasper Newt Gingrich: Globalist “Conservative” as Trump VP? For months, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (shown) has been positioned by Fox TV as
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How American Elections Became a Criminal Enterprise

Hermes-Press | Michelle Mairesse Every day we hear laments about the state of the state or the nation or the world. The twenty-first century seems to be a powder keg
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Obama Promised Healthcare Premiums Would Fall $2,500 Per Family; They Have Climbed $4,865

Zero Hedge | Tyler Durden How’s that Obamacare working out for you? That’s what I thought. Considering that pretty much every single thing Obama promised when he was running for
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Pope Francis: Action on climate change can’t wait

The Detroit News | Nancy Benac & Nicole Winfield, AP Washington — Plunging headlong into the issues of the day, Pope Francis opened his visit to the United States with
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“Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death”: The Loss Of Our Freedoms In The Wake Of 9/11

The Rutherford Institute | John W. Whitehead  “Since mankind’s dawn, a handful of oppressors have accepted the responsibility over our lives that we should have accepted for ourselves. By doing so,
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