Disastrous 1996 Telecommunications Act

By Stephen Lendman The 1996 Telecommunications Act, during the Bill and Hillary Clinton co-presidency, deregulated all communication industries – paving the way for greater consolidation, less competition, less concern about
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Al Gore Declares Climate War on Donald Trump

WRITTEN BY: JAMES DELINGPOLE OCTOBER 6, 2016 // http://www.breitbart.com/   Hillary Clinton’s chances of becoming next U.S. President took a major hit this week as rumours strengthened that Al Gore will be
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The Strategy for Globalism and the Coup d’etat on America

Source: TVOI News   During the Clinton-Gore Administration, their big initiative was the “reinvention of government“.  Of course they didn’t reinvent anything.  It was a decapitation of our government –
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Al Gore Got Millions From George Soros To Push ‘Aggressive U.S. Action’ On Global Warming

  Source: Technocracy.news | By MICHAEL BASTASCH Former Trilateral Commission member Al Gore secretly took millions from George Soros to push climate change. What’s the game plan here? To propagandize the American
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Why Not Newt?

  Source: The New American | By William F. Jasper Newt Gingrich: Globalist “Conservative” as Trump VP? For months, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (shown) has been positioned by Fox TV as
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Obama To Unveil New EPA Regulations Monday to Shut Down Hundreds More U.S. Coal Plants

“Climate change is not a problem for another generation, not anymore,” Mr. Obama said in a video posted on Facebook at midnight Saturday. He called the new rules “the biggest,
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No Drilling in ANWR – Blame the Republicans

Source: US Observer Lest you might think this is a partisan hit piece, I belong to no political party so I have no axe to grind. The American people have
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