Internet Inventor Warns “Regulate Tech Firms Now Or Risk A Weaponized Web”

  Source: Zero Hedge   The inventor of the world wide web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee (not Al Gore), has a dire warning over the concentration of power among a few companies on
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Wall Street banker Cohn moving Trump toward moderate policies

  Source: Reuters   VIDEO: By James Oliphant and Svea Herbst-Bayliss | WASHINGTON/BOSTON In a White House marked by infighting, top economic aide Gary Cohn, a Democrat and former Goldman
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Big Government Kills Small Businesses

  Source: PragerU | INFORMATION STATION Small businesses employ over 57 million Americans. And yet, the government’s taxes and regulations overwhelmingly favor big businesses at the expense of small ones. Why? Find
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Regulation Nation: Where Independence Is Illegal Without A Permit

By Daisy Luther These days, you need permission from the government to do just about anything, including feeding yourself or others. Do you own a car? Every year, you must
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Disastrous 1996 Telecommunications Act

By Stephen Lendman The 1996 Telecommunications Act, during the Bill and Hillary Clinton co-presidency, deregulated all communication industries – paving the way for greater consolidation, less competition, less concern about
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USA plan to cede Internet control on track

“I think they see now that this is actually a good thing for the Internet. The fragmentation of the Internet is bad for everyone,” he said. “I’m never comfortable, but
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Shocker: court document asserts Hawaii inspectors clueless about what Monsanto is spraying

Source: by Jon Rappoport May 2, 2015   “So we found stuff… but we don’t know what it means.” On Thursday, April 30th, the Shaka Movement filed a brief
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FCC leadership refuses to let public see new internet regulation proposal

Source: Convention of the States  Posted by Scott Russell on February 24, 2015 Three days before the Federal Communications Commission is scheduled to vote on the most significant Internet regulations
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Do you trust government?


Source: Independent Headlining at Saturday night’s White House Correspondents’ Association dinner, the president garnered huge laughs over the fact that he’s destroying the American healthcare sector and has failed to
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