Killing Bees In America And Worldwide Will Be The Death Of Humanity

  Source: News With Views | Frosty Wooldridge  Man’s devastation by poisoning of bees will be the death of all mankind The world-famous Harvard University biologist Edward O. Wilson speculates: “If all mankind
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Monsanto’s Dirty Tricks: Atrazine. . .

via: How the Chemical Industry Manipulates Science, Bends the Law, and Endangers Your Health Dan Fagan, Marianne Lavelle, and the Center for Public Integrity / Birch Lane Publishing Group
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Monsanto Knew Their Herbicide Caused Cancer 40 Years Ago

Your News Wire | Sean Adl-Tabatabai | January 8, 2016    Monsanto knowingly released herbicide Roundup (glyphosate) to the public, knowing it was cancer-causing, some 40-years-ago an independent inquiry has discovered.  A series
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BREAKING: Taiwan bans GMOs from school lunches… mandates GMO labeling nationwide… throws down gauntlet on toxic foods from USA and Monsanto

Natural News | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger | January 10, 2016 (NaturalNews) Even as the fascist, corrupt U.S. government and its regulators (FDA and USDA) actively conspire with the biotech industry
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Whistleblower Speaks Out Against USDA, Corruption and Systemic Pesticides

  truthout | via: The Cornucopia Institute | by Maryam Henein, HoneyColony | December 28th, 2015 Dr. Jonathan Lundgren, a respected expert on the risk assessment of pesticides and genetically modified crops, worked for the United
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Shocker: court document asserts Hawaii inspectors clueless about what Monsanto is spraying

Source: by Jon Rappoport May 2, 2015   “So we found stuff… but we don’t know what it means.” On Thursday, April 30th, the Shaka Movement filed a brief
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Secretive Trade Deals, Pesticides and Autism, Detroit Water Shutoff & Prison Industrial Complex

The Redacted Team reveals Obama’s true feelings on secretive trade deals, discovers free TV, shuts off Detroit’s water, finds a practical use for giant vagina statues, and reveals who’s the
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The How-to Guide to Ban GMOs in Your City or County

Source: Farm Wars International GMO Ban Alliance This website is designed to provide comprehensive yet simple guidelines for each individual to approach their respective city council with tools on how
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GMOs – Labeling the 2%

Source: Farm Wars Barbara H. Peterson Farm Wars Vermont has passed a genetically engineered (GMO) labeling act, and the Governor intends to sign it. On Thursday May 8th at 2:30
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