Hawaii: Anti-Gun Bills Continue to Move Through the Legislature

source: www.nraila.org On February 27th, the Hawaii Legislature returned from the five day recess and immediately resumed work on moving anti-gun legislation that will directly impact your rights. The House passed
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Potent storm slams Hawaii with 191-mph winds, 60-foot waves and rare snow on Maui

  Source: USA Today A strong storm hitting Hawaii has knocked out power, brought down tree branches, flooded coastal roads and even brought snow. (Feb. 11) AP    A deadly winter
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Giant acidic steam clouds rise from ocean after lava spill in Hawaii (VIDEO)

  Source: RT   Incredible footage shows colossal steam clouds rising from the ocean in Hawaii after lava flows from the Kilauea volcano entered the sea at Kapoho Bay. Lava
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NRA-Republican Backed Bill Makes It Easier For Feds To Disarm Citizens

  Source: Zero Hedge | Authored by Tho Bishop via The Mises Institute On Wednesday, the Republican controlled house voted to further federalize gun laws in this country. While Ryan McMaken has noted
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It’s Shameful What This State Did With 2,300 S&W 9MM Handguns

2nd Amendment Insider Rather than refurbish and sell duty weapons and generate additional revenue, Honolulu Police opted to destroy the Smith & Wesson 9MM firearms the department used in the
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Must-Watch: Ex Marine Goes Crazy, Blows Whistle On Syrian False Flag And Real Agenda

True Activist | Sophie McAdam Ken O’ Keefe is an ex US Marine turned anti-war campaigner who appeared on a Press TV debate called Syria: War of Deception, and absolutely owned his opponent
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Shocker: court document asserts Hawaii inspectors clueless about what Monsanto is spraying

Source: NoMoreFakeNews.com by Jon Rappoport May 2, 2015   “So we found stuff… but we don’t know what it means.” On Thursday, April 30th, the Shaka Movement filed a brief
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FDR Knew War with Japan Coming 12 Days Before Attack — The Pearl Harbor Myth: Rethinking the Unthinkable

Source: Lew Rockwell By Bionic Mosquito March 7, 2015   In his book, The Pearl Harbor Myth: Rethinking the Unthinkable, George Victor addresses the several questions regarding Pearl Harbor: did U.S. Intelligence
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