Christian Church’s Award Goes To Palestinian Farmer/Educator

  Source: WHTT   The Palestinian Nassar Family received the World Methodist Peace Award for their work with the Tent of Nations, which they host on their 100 acre farm located southwest of
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Bank Tells South African Farmers They Will Have to Pay Debts for Property Seized by the State

  Source: Breitbart South African farmers subjected to land expropriation without compensation will still have to pay off their debts for property which has been seized by the state, according
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US State Department Endorses South Africa’s Policy of Changing Its Constitution To Legalize Stealing Land from Farmers Based on Skin Color

  Source: Need To Know   Tucker Carlson reports that President Ramaphosa of South Africa is seeking to change the country’s constitution to legalize the expropriation of land from white farmers
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Nelson Mandela’s Legacy: 210 White Farmers Murdered by Blacks (Per Year) Since 1994 in South Africa

  Source: Freedom 4um What is Nelson Mandela’s legacy? Genocide Watch tells us simply this: //////////Since 1994, more than 70000 (and counting) white South Africans have been murdered of which
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Obama Congratulated South Africa on Being an Inspiration Just as the Gov’t Prepares to Seize Land from White Farmers

  Source: Need To Know Tucker Carlson reveals that Obama gave a speech in South Africa last month and thanked SA President Cyril Ramaphosa for “inspiring new hope in this
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  via: BLACKLISTED NEWS | SOURCE: THE GUARDIAN   Last year, a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that people working in agriculture – including farmers, farm laborers, ranchers,
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1.8 million California acres were set aside for frogs. Ranchers say decision ignores them

  Source: The Sacramento Bee BY DALE KASLER, CAROLYN WILKE AND RYAN SABALOW   Tiny frogs and toads used to swarm over the Sierra Nevada. Now, the government says nearly
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California Ranchers Revolt as the Feds Set Aside 2-Million Acres for a Frog

  Source: Need To Know The US government has declared 1.8-million acres of California land (roughly three times the size of Rhode Island) as ‘critical habitat’ for the Sierra Nevada
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SPECIAL OFFER! 6 issues of the quarterly, Range Magazine, plus a calendar for $20

  Call 800-RANGE4U (800-726-4348) to subscribe today! (CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE ONLINE)   Range Magazine editor, CJ Hadley, has made this special offer available to RBN listeners! This subscription special is
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Whistleblower Speaks Out Against USDA, Corruption and Systemic Pesticides

  truthout | via: The Cornucopia Institute | by Maryam Henein, HoneyColony | December 28th, 2015 Dr. Jonathan Lundgren, a respected expert on the risk assessment of pesticides and genetically modified crops, worked for the United
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House Backs Monsanto and BANS GMO Labeling

“Americans clearly want labeling that presents them with accurate and consistent information about what is in their food. As it stands right now, each state has a different method of
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Colombia Will Stop Spraying Monsanto’s RoundUp On Their Cocaine

Source: (ANTIMEDIA)  John Vibes May 11, 2014  In a statement released last year, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) announced that glyphosate, the main ingredient in
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EPA Placing Blame on Farmers for Monsanto’s Cancer-Causing GMO Crops

Source: SGT Report by Christina Sarich, Natural Society:  What does the US Environmental Protection Agency do when it has to save face over the claim that “glyphosate is completely safe”
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