Can the President Legally Break the Law?
Source: Lew Rockwell By Andrew P. Napolitano “When the president does it, that means that it is not illegal.” — Richard M. Nixon (1913-94) Legal scholars have been fascinated
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Source: Lew Rockwell By Andrew P. Napolitano “When the president does it, that means that it is not illegal.” — Richard M. Nixon (1913-94) Legal scholars have been fascinated
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Tags: bill clinton, Crime, DoJ, Nixon, presidential powers, Trump
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Source: The Washington Pundit Police have arrested Bill Clinton’s faith healer for running Brazil’s largest ever child sex ring. Joao Teixeira de Faria – known as John of
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Tags: bill clinton, murder, Oprah, sex crimes, sex trafficking
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Source: The Free Thought Project The CFO of the Clinton Foundation allegedly handed over 6,000 pages of evidence to the FBI and IRS along with testimony about the
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Tags: bill clinton, Corruption, fraud, Hillary, The Clinton Foundation
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Source: Patriots for Truth By Americans for Innovation Hillary’s election rigging mechanism revealed FBI-DOJ Judas—Cloudflare’s Joe Sullivan—sought prayers from Saint Pope John Paul II in 1996 after Miami-Dade County marriage Attorney Joseph
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Tags: bill clinton, DoJ, FBI, Hillary, Mueller, Pope, Spying, vote fraud
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Source: The Event Chronicle By True Pundit Investigative Bureau While friends and admirers mourn the loss of investigative journalist Jen Moore — who was found dead in a
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Tags: bill clinton, Clintons, FBI, Hillary, ICE, pedophilia, political scandals, sex trafficking
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Source: The Clash Daily But there’s no double-standard. Honest. President Bill Clinton paid Paula Jones $850,000 to just go away. Do you know what the FBI did? They stormed
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Tags: bill clinton, political scandals, sex crimes, Trump
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Source: GOPUSA | Jeff Crouere While the liberal media is celebrating the announcement that former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, a bigger
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Tags: bill clinton, email scandal, FBI, Government, Hillary, Loretta Lynch, Politics
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Natural News (Natural News) If ever Americans needed a president like Donald J. Trump, now is the time, because only a chief executive not owned by or beholden to the
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Tags: bill clinton, Corruption, FBI, federal law enforcement, Loretta Lynch, Obama administration, politicization, Robert Mueller, tarmac meeting, Trump administration
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Tags: bill clinton, Elite, Entertainment, Hillary, Hollywood, Huma Abedin, new world order, perversion, Planned Parenthood, Politics, Rape, sex crimes, Weiner, Weinstein, Women, women's rights
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Bill Clinton talking about immigration in the 1995 State of the Union.
Tags: bill clinton, Immigration, SOTU
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Source: Conservative Daily Post | By Allison Hillman Maybe better late than never, but the real question is: why now? While Hillary’s political career may be finished, more trouble
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Tags: bill clinton, Clinton Foundation, Clintons, Corruption, fraud, Hillary, Pay to Play, Politics
Source: The Political Insider | By Kosar Janet Reno was the first woman to serve as the United States Attorney General. Just a day before this historic presidential election, she has
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Tags: Attorney General, bill clinton, Branch Davidians, Clintons, email leaks, Feds, Hillary, Janet Reno, vince foster, Waco
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By Je Suis Spike President Obama was inaugurated 7.8 years ago. That is, 2,842 days ago President Obama took an Oval Office and made it a throne. This amounts to
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Tags: anthony weiner, bill clinton, blackmail, email leaks, Hillary, Huma Abedin, Media, Obama, War, White House
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Source: American Thinker | By Jack Cashill “The White House is like a subway. You have to put in coins to open the gates.” Such were the immortal words of one
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Tags: bill clinton, campaign contributions, China, Clintons, Democrats, DNC, FBI, Hillary, Pay to Play, POTUS
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By Stephen Lendman The 1996 Telecommunications Act, during the Bill and Hillary Clinton co-presidency, deregulated all communication industries – paving the way for greater consolidation, less competition, less concern about
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Tags: Al Gore, AT&T, bill clinton, Cable, FCC, Internet, lobbyists, Media, mergers, monopolies, phones, Politics, Regulation, wall street
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By Je Suis Spike (Mis)using the Mother Tongue to Destroy The People, Our Standards, Our Culture, Our Land The perverts keep, (guess what?) perverting the language, our language, American
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Tags: Bible, bill clinton, Clintons, cultural marxism, Education, evil, family values, language, Moral Decay, morality, same-sex marriage, Sex, Society
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Source: Information Liberation | By Chris Menahan CNN anchor Chris Cuomo says “it’s illegal” for common plebs to read Hillary Clinton’s leaked emails
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Tags: Bernie Sanders, bill clinton, Catholics, Clinton Foundation, Clintons, email scandal, Hillary, ISIL, isis, leaked emails, Podesta, Qatar, Saudi Arabia
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By Je Suis Spike Exclusive to RBN When Bill Clinton ran for President, he touted Hillary as an implicit co-President, even suggesting that his 1992 election would be a “Twofer,”
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Tags: bill clinton, Clinton Crimes, Clintons, conservatives, Hillary, Presidential Election 2016, pussies, Rape, Republicans
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Source: TVOI News During the Clinton-Gore Administration, their big initiative was the “reinvention of government“. Of course they didn’t reinvent anything. It was a decapitation of our government –
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Tags: Al Gore, bill clinton, Global Governance, globalism, UN
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Double standards being what they are ….the Clinton Crime syndicate can say whatever they want and get a complete standing ovation and call Trump Marxist buzzwords like racist and it
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Tags: bill clinton, borders, double standards, flip flops, Illegal Immigration, Marxism, racism, Trump
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