Illinois House Passes Bill Requiring Women, African-Americans on Corporate Boards

  Source: NewsWars Critics say policy destroys state’s ability to attract businesses By Dan Lyman The Illinois House of Representatives has passed a bill mandating that all publicly-traded companies headquartered
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Multiple Studies Show Nearly HALF of All Police Families Experience Domestic Violence

  Source: The Free Thought Project   Startling data from multiple studies show that police officer families experience domestic violence at four times the rate of everyone else. By Matt
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The United States Is a Dead Man Walking

  Source: Institute for Political Economy Or is it a dead feminist, homosexual, transgendered walking zombie? By Paul Craig Roberts Truth is under fierce attack. If you do not support
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Little House on the Orwellian Prairie: PC brigade throws Laura Ingalls Wilder under the bus

  via: Lew Rockwell In the name of progressive politics, ‘social justice warriors’ have turned their self-righteous wrath on a celebrated early-to-mid 20th century US author whose only crime was
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Anti-Trump ‘Women in White’ spectacle falls flat

  Source: World Net Daily | By CHERYL CHUMLEY Female Democrats wore white to President Trump’s first speech to a joint session of Congress to convey a solidarity, sister-type rebuke of the White
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The Science Of Pornography Addiction & What It Can Do To Your Brain

Collective Evolution | March 7, 2016 by Collective Evolution Did you know that pornography constitutes approximately 25% of all search engine requests? Pornography websites rank among the top in the world,
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NWSA votes to join Academic Boycott of Israel

WHTT | News Post | December 18, 2015    The National Women’s Studies Association members voted, by a huge majority, to join the worldwide movement against Israel at its annual conference, making it the fifth
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Taxpayer money being used to teach ‘transgendered’ men to talk like girls

The University of Connecticut, which received state and federal funding, has a program to teach men who want to pretend to be women how to talk like girls (and vice
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It’s Time To Crush Planned Parenthood

Source: The Daily Caller STACY WASHINGTON Host, Stacy on the Right  11:20 AM 08/03/2015       The defense of Planned Parenthood by the media and politicians is disheartening and
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Murder rates drop as concealed carry permits soar: report

“The last thing a concealed carrier wants to do is get into a situation where they have to use the gun. Even if it were a legitimate use, they know
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The Economics Of Marriage

By Michael Snyder Republic Broadcasting Network The marriage rate in the United States has fallen to the lowest level ever recorded.  So why is this happening?  Well, the truth is
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