Sean Penn Dismisses #MeToo Movement: Its Spirit Divides Men and Women

  Source: Mediaite | by Aidan McLaughlin Sean Penn offered some criticisms of the #MeToo movement in a Today show interview on Monday, calling the movement divisive. Penn was appearing on NBC alongside Natascha McElhone, his co-star
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The Feminist Threat To Women And Men

  Source: Institute for Political Economy | By Paul Craig Roberts Recently I read in CounterPunch two feminist rants against men. Not all men, just white heterosexual men. It is not always
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Google And YouTube Have Created A Culture Of Censorship

  via:   WRITTEN BY: IAN MILES CHEONG AUGUST 16, 2017 Google’s chairman is Eric Schmidt, also a member of the Trilateral Commission and a died-in-the-wool Technocrat who is bent on
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First she became a 13-year-old internet meme. Now, she’s treated like a porn star

  Source: The Guardian | Nancy Jo Sales   Danielle Bregoli, the “cash me ousside girl,” appeared on Instagram Live on Sunday, mugging for her iPhone camera. She pursed her lips and
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Tubman replacing Jackson on the $20, Hamilton spared

Politico | BEN WHITE | 04/20/16 11:56 AM EDT Treasury Secretary Jack Lew reverses a plan to bump Hamilton after receiving fierce blowback. Alexander Hamilton has been spared an ousting from the front of
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Feminist Researcher Wants Men Put ‘In Some Kind of Camp’

Godfather Politics | by Gary DeMar | September 8, 2015  Julie Bindel is an English writer, feminist and co-founder of the group Justice for Women. Her primary areas of interest are lesbian rights,
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By T.R.Lacovara-Stewart | Posted on April 8, 2016, 12:33 am This is a thought provoking and extremely eye opening presentation. It has been one of the elephants in the room everywhere. Anyone
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Reclaiming Male Power in the Viagra Age

Women used to align their interests with men and society. A square peg fit into a square hole. But Masonic Jewish bankers convinced many women to be “independent.” As result,
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Amazon drops “Boy” and “Girl” categories from toy listings

Source: Boing Boing Cory Doctorow 11:55 am Wed, May 6, 2015 [Because gender is so overrated. – MS] Amazon’s toys category is no longer sorted into “Boys” toys and “Girls”
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