via: BLACKLISTED NEWS   SOURCE: ZERO HEDGE Following President Trump’s vehement rejection of the socialist uprising in America during his State of The Union address, various members of the Democratic
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Psychologists warn ‘Trump Anxiety Disorder’ is soaring

  Source: One News Now   Mental health therapists have reported an acute rise in Americans suffering from “Trump Anxiety Disorder” – primarily diagnosed in those who fear that President
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Do White Americans Have White Privilege?

Little House on the Orwellian Prairie: PC brigade throws Laura Ingalls Wilder under the bus

  via: Lew Rockwell In the name of progressive politics, ‘social justice warriors’ have turned their self-righteous wrath on a celebrated early-to-mid 20th century US author whose only crime was
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Climate Change Has Run Its Course

  Source: WSJ Its descent into social-justice identity politics is the last gasp of a cause that has lost its vitality. By Steven F. Hayward Climate change is over. No,
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Evergreen Cuts Budget By $6M Due to Enrollment Plunge, Plans For Layoffs

IL Evergreen State College of “no-whites-allowed” fame is slashing its budget, hiking student fees and planning for layoffs due to plunging enrollment numbers. From The Olympian: The Evergreen State College will look to
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What Is Social Justice?

  Source: Lew Rockwell | By Hunter Lewis, “Progressives” tend to think of themselves as warriors for racial, gender, and economic equality. The latter they equate with “social justice.” But is economic equality
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Church buries itself after embracing LGBT agenda

  Source: One News Now Less than three years after ultra-progressive GracePointe Church was profiled in TIME magazine for allowing same-sex couples to “marry” inside its doors, it has been on the
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Google And YouTube Have Created A Culture Of Censorship

  via:   WRITTEN BY: IAN MILES CHEONG AUGUST 16, 2017 Google’s chairman is Eric Schmidt, also a member of the Trilateral Commission and a died-in-the-wool Technocrat who is bent on
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Georgia professor allows stressed out students to choose their own grades

  Source: The Blaze | Sara Gonzales A professor at the University of Georgia will allow his fall semester students to pick their own grades in an effort to reduce the stress levels
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Orwell’s Doublespeak: The Language of the Left

  Source: The Federal Observer   Leftists tolerate differences in race, gender, ethnicity, and socio-economic status but are extremely intolerant of differences of opinion George Orwell introduced the language of
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‘Straight white males are an inferior type of human who should know their place’

  Do those social justice warriors and feminists not see the irony in claiming to oppose racism and sexism whilst harbouring contempt for one group of people, writes AR Devine.
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  (To the tune of “My Favorite Things”)  By Je Suis Spike Reigning over those we keep on short leashes Whipping a frenzy for voting with speeches Brown-colored people, tied
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Oklahoma High School Teacher Instructing Students That “To Be White Is To Be Racist, Period”

Source: Zero Hedge It is no great secret that educators in our country tend to skew toward the left side of the political spectrum.  One can barely pick up a
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Liberals and the American Idiocracy

  Source: | By Donald Jeffries Being “liberal” is still generally considered a good thing. After all, the traditional definition of a liberal revolved around being tolerant, open-minded, generous and empathetic.
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