Give thanks for our Founding Fathers

  Source: Revisionist Review | by Michael Hoffman  242 years after our Declaration of Independence, the Left insists that “America was never great.” They allege that our nation was always a hellhole of
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George Washington’s Hebrew Congregation Letter of 1790

  Source: Veterans Today This Fourth of July we should keep in mind the words and wisdom of George Washington. By Bob Johnson This Fourth of July we should keep
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Liberals and the American Idiocracy

  Source: | By Donald Jeffries Being “liberal” is still generally considered a good thing. After all, the traditional definition of a liberal revolved around being tolerant, open-minded, generous and empathetic.
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(UPDATED) Federal Park Ranger Mocks Founders, Constitution … While Leading Tour of Independence Hall!

via: PJ Media  UPDATE: The original version of this article misidentified the Park Ranger based on the information provided by our initial sources. We have since independently confirmed the identity of the
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Tubman replacing Jackson on the $20, Hamilton spared

Politico | BEN WHITE | 04/20/16 11:56 AM EDT Treasury Secretary Jack Lew reverses a plan to bump Hamilton after receiving fierce blowback. Alexander Hamilton has been spared an ousting from the front of
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ConspiracyTheorizing: There IS a Grand Conspiracy to Reduce the People Under Absolute Despotism

  By Je suis Spike for RBN   Most Don’t Know it Because Most Don’t, as Our Founders Did, Know That God is the Author of Liberty   It is
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15 Quotes From Our Founding Fathers About Economics, Capitalism And Banking

By Michael Snyder Republic Broadcasting Network Why have we turned our backs on the principles that this nation was founded upon?  Many of those that founded this nation bled and
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