Give thanks for our Founding Fathers

July 12, 2018 in News by RBN Staff


Source: Revisionist Review | by  

242 years after our Declaration of Independence, the Left insists that “America was never great.” They allege that our nation was always a hellhole of evil compared with benevolent colored nations (oops, I meant to say “nations of color”), that are supposedly “compassionate and caring, with human rights and dignity for all.” Uh-huh.
In the black slavery reparations’ debate the heartless Africans who captured their fellow blacks and sold them on an industrial scale for centuries to (mostly) Judaic slave-traders, are almost never held responsible, or exposed as criminal sadists produced by ghoulish  cultures.
Furthermore, why have China, India and Africa never produced a Bill of Rights that has the force of law, recognizing that every human being has divinely endowed rights that no government can remove? Because only a Christian nation, however flawed, bases its laws on the premise that every human being is the imago Dei — Almighty God’s image-bearing creature.
Awareness of this truth epitomizes the heart and soul of our nation at its founding, which Third World barbarians, latter-day Stalinists and Talmudists cannot fathom or embrace.
The Supreme Court recently upheld the privacy rights of cell phone users, something which the government of China or that of almost any other Asian, Latin American or African nation violates (or would violate if they possessed the technical means), every nano-second.
The spoiled-rotten Leftist punks infecting our universities, media and body politic, are fundamentally self-hating ingrates, having no gratitude to the dead white men (and women) who bequeathed Constitutional rights unequaled by all but a handful of nations on this planet.
Our (imperfect) Founders bequeathed to us liberty. It can be preserved against the Deep State and its controlled street mobs, only if we are eternally vigilant against the entropy that inevitably decays over time that which was once fresh and new. It is our perpetual duty as Americans, with each successive generation, to guard and renew the liberty born on July 4, 1776.
Let us give thanks for America’s Independence Day and our Founding Fathers!
— Michael Hoffman
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