Leftist Teacher Attacks Conservative Student on Campus

  Source: G. Edward Griffin’s Need To Know   Tariq Khan, a teacher at the University of Illinois who was protesting the Trump presidency, was arrested after he threatened and
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California Becomes First State to Allow Gender-Neutral Birth Certificates

  Source: MRCtv | By Ashley Rae Goldenberg, @communism_kills California is now the first state in the country to grant gender-neutral birth certificates for people who feel like they are neither men nor
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Gender Identity: Marxist Plan to Destroy the Family

Source: Propaganda News May 16th, 2016, by David Risselada [via: Freedom Outpost]   This past week America got a glimpse into what was really meant when Barack Obama said we were
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Feminist Researcher Wants Men Put ‘In Some Kind of Camp’

Godfather Politics | by Gary DeMar | September 8, 2015  Julie Bindel is an English writer, feminist and co-founder of the group Justice for Women. Her primary areas of interest are lesbian rights,
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University of Tennessee tells staff and students to stop using ‘he’ and ‘she’ – and switch to ‘xe’, ‘zir’ and ‘xyr’ instead

Daily Mail Online | KIERAN CORCORAN | UPDATED: 15:28 EST, 28 August 2015   Gay rights official at Knoxville campus wrote new language instructions  Tells students and staff to use unusual, gender-neutral pronouns
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Virginia School Board Votes to Teach Seventh Graders about ‘Gender Identity’

“Do you want gender identity to be introduced to seventh grade?” Parents in the audience shouted, “No!” Source: CNS News By Lauretta Brown | July 2, 2015 | 10:14 AM
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Amazon drops “Boy” and “Girl” categories from toy listings

Source: Boing Boing Cory Doctorow 11:55 am Wed, May 6, 2015 [Because gender is so overrated. – MS] Amazon’s toys category is no longer sorted into “Boys” toys and “Girls”
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