Census Bureau: 44.6% in California Don’t Speak English at Home; 35.6% in Texas; 34.5% in NM; 31.7% in NJ; 31.0% in NY

  Source: CNSNews.com | Terence P. Jeffrey (CNSNews.com) – In California–which with a July 2016 population of 39,250,017 is the nation’s most populous state–44.6 percent of the people five years of age
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(M)oral Sex?

By Je Suis Spike (Mis)using the Mother Tongue to Destroy The People, Our Standards, Our Culture, Our Land   The perverts keep, (guess what?) perverting the language, our language, American
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University of Tennessee tells staff and students to stop using ‘he’ and ‘she’ – and switch to ‘xe’, ‘zir’ and ‘xyr’ instead

Daily Mail Online | KIERAN CORCORAN | UPDATED: 15:28 EST, 28 August 2015   Gay rights official at Knoxville campus wrote new language instructions  Tells students and staff to use unusual, gender-neutral pronouns
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