I Spent a Year as a Trans Man. Doctors Failed Me at Every Turn.

  Source: Daily Signal | By Sydney Wright I can’t wrap my head around all that I’ve done to myself in the last two years, much less the “help” that some health
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No wonder the “mainstream” media isn’t covering the Colorado STEM school shooting: It points to an illegal alien and a transgender who hates Trump and Christians

Tuesday, May 14, 2019 by: JD Heyes (Natural News) If you are wondering why the so-called “mainstream” media isn’t all over the latest school shooting featuring angry parents, crying students, and
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Doctors Are Now Giving 8-Year-Old Girls Testosterone, Claiming They’re ‘Transgender’

Source: www.dailywire.com By AMANDA PRESTIGIACOMO According to medical doctors and a parent of a gender non-conforming child speaking on a panel for the Heritage Foundation, their quest to stop dangerous transgender treatments
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Mom Gets BUSTED & JAILED In Front Of Her Kids For Calling A TransWoman A Man Via Twitter

  Source: Clash Daily | by K. Walker  Remember how the left insisted that it was ‘fearmongering’ to say that people would be punished for stating biological truths? Yeah, about that… The rapid
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Florida “Drag Queen Story Hour” Organizers Fear for Future Safety

  Source: My News 13 | By Tim Wronka [VISIT SOURCE FOR VIDEO REPORT] PORT RICHEY, Fla. — A new children’s reading hour at a Port Richey bookstore has attendees worried about their safety
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LGBT Classes Now Are Mandatory for Elementary School Children in California

Source: Need To Know | GEG COMMENTARY California soon will be using textbooks that present LGBT themes in an “inclusive and respectful” manner. These courses, which are mandatory, will begin with
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‘Queer Kids Stuff’ Is a Youtube Channel Teaching Children Ages 3 to 7 about the LGBT Community

  Source: Need To Know | G. Edward Griffin ‘Queer Kids Stuff’ is a Youtube channel that is produced by Lindsay Amer and filmed on a Sesame Street-style set.  According to
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Spicer: Trump Says Transgender Issues Not Federal Domain

  Source: NEWSMAX | Solange Reyner White House Press Secretary Sen Spicer on Tuesday said President Donald Trump believes transgender student protections is “not something the federal government should be involved in,”
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LGBT Group Calls for Federal Ban of Single-Sex Bathrooms in ALL Public Schools!

Eagle Rising Written by Onan Coca  Sex crimes revolving around men in women’s facilities are becoming commonplace as liberals continue to push their anti-traditional values campaign onto the rest of
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Students freak out as Tennessee votes to defund “Office for Diversity and Inclusion”

  Red Alert Politics | Rebecca Downs | April 24, 2016 A move months in the making has finally come to fruition as both Tennessee houses have voted to defund the University of
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Transgender Restrooms and Fitting Rooms? 162,000 Sign ‘Boycott Target Pledge’ in 1 Day

Source: CNSNews.com By Melanie Hunter A pro-family group has launched a boycott of Target after the retail store made it clear on Tuesday that its bathrooms and changing facilities can be used by
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Taxpayer money being used to teach ‘transgendered’ men to talk like girls

The University of Connecticut, which received state and federal funding, has a program to teach men who want to pretend to be women how to talk like girls (and vice
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Virginia School Board Votes to Teach Seventh Graders about ‘Gender Identity’

“Do you want gender identity to be introduced to seventh grade?” Parents in the audience shouted, “No!” Source: CNS News By Lauretta Brown | July 2, 2015 | 10:14 AM
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PO’ED PARENTS: Families Protest The Forced Cross-Dressing of Schoolchildren

“Just this past Sunday, Pope Francis spoke out yet again against gender ideology and the right and duty of parents to guide their children’s education, telling them that they are
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