Nonprofits Helping Illegal Immigrants Took $291 Million From Taxpayers

Source: by Ethan Barton Taxpayers funded eight nonprofits that serve, protect or advocate for illegal immigrants with more than $291 million between 2012 to 2016, according to an analysis of federal
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Pot Revenue Is So High in Colorado, State Will Have to Reimburse Taxpayers

The Daily Sheeple | Joshua Krause When Colorado decided to legalize the recreational use of marijuana, everyone expected the state’s tax revenue to increase. What they didn’t realize at the
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Taxpayer money being used to teach ‘transgendered’ men to talk like girls

The University of Connecticut, which received state and federal funding, has a program to teach men who want to pretend to be women how to talk like girls (and vice
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ISIS Is Taking Over Iraq Using Captured American Weapons

By Michael Snyder Republic Broadcasting Network ISIS is marching through city after city in Iraq, and they are doing it with American weapons.  Thanks to a series of stunning victories
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If The Clintons Are Worth 50 Million, Why Do They Get Nearly A Million A Year From The Taxpayers?

By Michael Snyder Republic Broadcasting Network Since leaving the White House, the Clintons have earned at least 100 million dollars and currently have a net worth of up to 50
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Senior EPA Official Steals Millions from Taxpayers

Source: Mercola Have you ever awakened in the morning dreading another monotonous day at a job that you hate? Have you ever fantasized about faking a sudden illness, taking a
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Social Security, Treasury target taxpayers for their parents’ decades-old debts

Source: Washington Post A few weeks ago, with no notice, the U.S. government intercepted Mary Grice’s tax refunds from both the IRS and the state of Maryland. Grice had no
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