Top ten REAL medical conspiracies that actually happened

Source: Natural News The mainstream media is focused this week on trying to convince you that “medical conspiracy theories” are whacky and untrue. Published by Reuters, USA Today and other
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Lights, Camera, Arrested: Americans Are Being Thrown in Jail for Filming Police

Source: LewRockwell Once again, the U.S. government is attempting to police the world when it should be policing its own law enforcement agencies. We’ve got a warship cruising the Black
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Obama And Putin Are Trapped In A Macho Game Of “Chicken” And The Whole World Could Pay The Price

By Michael Snyder Republic Broadcasting Network The U.S. government and the Russian government have both been forced into positions where neither one of them can afford to back down.  If
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How a major bank and the U.S. government joined forces to spy on Anonymous

Source: The Daily Dot New details have surfaced regarding the surveillance protocols used by Bank of America to keep tabs on social activists. Last year, Anonymous hacktivists published 14 gigabytes of private
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