LGBT Group Calls for Federal Ban of Single-Sex Bathrooms in ALL Public Schools!
April 28, 2016 in News by RBN Staff
Sex crimes revolving around men in women’s facilities are becoming commonplace as liberals continue to push their anti-traditional values campaign onto the rest of us, but this fact doesn’t seem to be slowing the liberal march towards cultural insanity.
In the wake of a federal appeals courts ruling that a school must allow a girl to use the boys’ bathroom, LGBT advocacy groups are now demanding that the Obama administration federally mandate the same for all K-12 public schools across the nation.
“We welcome this sensible and very important decision that promotes fairness and dignity for all students, by holding that a trans student who was denied access to a restroom has a valid Title IX claim” of illegal discrimination,” according to a statement from the National Center for Transgender Equality:
In light of this important ruling, we urge the U.S. Department of Education to swiftly issue guidance to all schools regarding their obligations under Title IX. … While many people are still learning who transgender students are and how to treat transgender students fairly, the court has rightly recognized that treating all students with dignity, including regarding restroom access, is the right thing to do—it costs nothing and harms no one.
The major gay advocacy group, dubbed the Human Rights Campaign, also wants the Virginia decision to go nationwide:
This ruling not only gives appropriate deference to the Department of Education’s interpretation of Title IX as allowing transgender students to use school restrooms consistent with their gender identity. … We therefore expect public schools, including those in North Carolina, to immediately comply, ensuring transgender students full protections under the law, which includes full access to the appropriate facilities.
Also, if progressives bar single-sex bathrooms, they’ll quickly bar single-sex locker rooms, admits Ruth Marcus, a progressive columnist writing in The Washington Post.
Last year [in 2015], the department intervened on behalf of a transgender Illinois girl [who is biologically a boy] who said she wanted equal access to the girls’ locker room, and not to be relegated to a separate facility. She wanted — as a mom, my heart goes out to her — “to be a girl like every other girl.”
The school district said it worried that allowing her [the boy] into the locker rooms “would expose female students to being observed in a state of undress by a biologically male individual.” The case ended up being settled [the school surrendered to the federal government] with agreement involving privacy curtains and accommodations for any girls who wanted additional privacy protections. … Even for people of goodwill, the emergence of transgender rights is going to take some adjusting.
As with almost every other liberal victory over America’s social/moral values in the last half century, this one will again prove conservatives’ fears of slippery slopes to be absolutely correct. As the government steps in to force their version of equality, it will necessarily mean that the feelings of some (the LGBT community) outweigh the rights of others (conservatives and Christians). This reality then begs the very important question of “Who should decide bathroom policies?” Conservatives are once again learning that the government makes a very fickle partner in the fight to defend our moral values. Just as with the gay marriage debate, we are learning that with the government there are no gray areas, they are either with you or against you. The danger is that if the government is against you, then you have no chance of defending your values through the state and your rights will suffer.
So maybe we conservatives should consider a third avenue for this debate? Demand that they stay out of bathrooms – let voters decide on local/state bathroom laws and let all private facilities be maintained, operated and ruled by their owners. In that way we can demand that the government only allow single sex restrooms because of the dangers and discomforts accompanied by genderless facilities. This also allows liberal companies like Target to make their own bathroom policies, and it allows private individuals to decide which businesses we’ll patronize (partially based on the values these businesses hold).
Doug Bandow at the Foundation for Economic Education expands on this idea of getting the government out of our bathrooms.
The president’s position appears to be that people have a legal right to use the bathroom of their choice, regardless of their gender, however defined. With the club of federal funding, he is attempting to socially engineer America.
This is central planning run riot.
Good people should approach anyone in the midst of gender change with humility and compassion. For most of us, it is unimaginable what would cause someone to desire to shift genders. It is a personal issue of the most profound nature. It shouldn’t be debated and decided in the public square.
And politicians aren’t doing a good job addressing the question. It may not make sense to most people for someone who looks like a guy to use the ladies room, however he sees himself, but neither does it seem right to force someone who looks like a guy to use the ladies room because he was born female. And it certainly makes no sense to let one person or group of people force everyone else to comply with their preference, even when that group is a majority of voters.
Bathroom use shouldn’t be a question for bureaucrats, politicians, lawyers, or judges to answer.
Who should use which bathroom? If it’s in your home, you decide. Likewise, a private company or other private organization should set the rules for its building.
Folks, as with most of life’s questions, the answer here seems to be LESS GOVERNMENT, not more.
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