Israeli Historian Discovers ‘6 Million’ Holocaust Figure Was Invented at Zionist Conference In 1944

  Source: UNZ Review | ERIC STRIKER Boston University’s director of the Elie Wiesel archive, Bar-Ilan University’s Institute of Holocaust Research historian Joel Rappel has discovered the origin of the infamous “6,000,000” number: a
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Professor Loses Position for Committing a Grave Sin: Telling the Truth

  Source: The New American | by  Selwyn Duke There’s one thing that’ll get you in more trouble today than telling a big lie. Voicing a simple truth. Professor Stuart Reges found this
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No wonder the “mainstream” media isn’t covering the Colorado STEM school shooting: It points to an illegal alien and a transgender who hates Trump and Christians

Tuesday, May 14, 2019 by: JD Heyes (Natural News) If you are wondering why the so-called “mainstream” media isn’t all over the latest school shooting featuring angry parents, crying students, and
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The Carbonaro Effect: Magician reveals how fake news media indoctrinates the gullible masses with junk science

  Source: Natural News | by: Mike Adams (Natural News) Although this is not the intention of the show, a fascinating hidden camera magic TV show called The Carbonaro Effect inadvertently reveals how the
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Dem socialist candidate Julia Salazar’s mother and brother expose more inconsistencies in her bio

  Source: Fox News | By Adam Shaw A Democratic Socialist candidate for New York Senate faces questions after it emerged she falsified her biography, including claims about her being an immigrant and
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Trade War Provides Perfect Cover For The Elitist Engineered Global Reset

  via: SHTFplan This article was originally published by Brandon Smith at Over the past several months, I have been examining the underlying or hidden motivations behind the currently expanding global trade
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  via: BLN BY CAITLIN JOHNSTONE AND CROSS-POSTED FROM HER BLOG, CAITLINJOHNSTONE.COM Rumors are again swirling of an impending false flag chemical weapons attack in Syria, just as they did shortly before the highly suspicious Douma case in
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Why Do They Tell Us Transparent Lies?

  Source: Lew Rockwell | By  Paul Craig Roberts, US officials and the presstitutes tell us that the illegal US missile attack on Syria destroyed chemical weapons sites where chlorine and
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ABC News’ Liar Brian Ross Suspended for Four Weeks for Making Up Anti-Trump Story

  Source: saboteur365 News reader Brian Ross should not be suspended. He should be fired. Let him go to MSNBC and hang out with liars like Morning Joe, Rachel Maddow,
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Assange brands Clinton ‘butcher of Libya’ & requests Sweden scrap detention order

  Source: RT   Julian Assange has fired back at Hillary Clinton, branding her the “butcher of Libya” in a scathing response to the former presidential candidate’s labeling of WikiLeaks
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First in the Nation: California Attempts ‘Fake News’ Ban

  Source: HEATSTREET | By Emily Zanotti Next week, the California Assembly will be one of the first legislatures to try to ban so-called “fake news,” and it could have sweeping ramifications for social
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James Comey Just Explained How Establishment Media Legally Creates Fake News

  Source: DC Whispers   Check out this quote from FBI Director James Comey’s testimony to Congress today: “…It’s perfectly legal for someone attending a classified briefing to LIE TO
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John McAfee: “The Most Deceptive Propaganda To Date Was Perpetrated On The American Public”

  via: Zero Hedge |  By  Security expert and former Libertarian presidential candidate John McAfee went on RT yesterday to discuss the Grizzly Steppe Russian hacking report by Homeland Security. While not addressing the
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[PLEASE READ] Bernie Sanders Could Replace President Trump With Little-Known Loophole

  Source: Huffington Post | By Matt Masur MATTHEW MASURBernie Sanders in Syracuse, N.Y., 2016 Here is exactly what we need to do to save our great society. The information here is
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13 Year Old: “If Donald Trump Had A Brick For Every Lie Hillary Has Told He Could Build TWO Walls”

  Source: Freedom Outpost | By TIM BROWN In an incredibly funny and yet sobering moment, a 13-year-old young lady took to the podium at a Phoenix, Arizona rally to support Donald
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If a Government Can Deny Any One Truth Government Can Deny Any Other Truth or Even All Truth*

By Je Suis Spike     If a government can deny any one truth, it can deny any other truth.  If a government can lie by changing the meaning of
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What The Media Did Not Report: Here Is The “Ignored” Part Of Kaepernick’s Speech

  Source: Zero Hedge | By Tyler Durden Colin Kaepernick has made headlines in recent days for his decision to sit during the National Anthem. According to the mainstream media, his reasoning
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10 Signs The Global Elite Are Losing Control

  Source: Activist Post Eric Blair Karma is coming for the elite in a big way. As the Powers That Be head toward a devastating defeat in their war plans
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“You Lie” – Fact-Checking Obama’s SOTU Job “Gains” Claims

Zero Hedge | Tyler Durden | 01/13/2016 15:25 -0500 Via,  President Barack Obama’s final State of the Union address came up short of the facts on several topics: He embellished his
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Vladimir Putin Speaks Honestly — Paul Craig Roberts

Institute for Political Economy | November 2, 2015 Russia’s president is a refreshing contrast to the liars who inhabit Western governments and Western media. The agenda of the Russian government is peace
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