A Jewish Defector Warns America: Benjamin Freedman Speaks on Zionism

  Source: Sweet Liberty This should do it! For the second and last time we are updating the transcript of Ben Freedman’s 1961 speech at the Willard Hotel.    The
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Belief in the ‘Holocaust’ Is Crumbling Around the World, What Will the Consequences of this Earthquake Be?

    via: Russia-Insider ‘The lies will one day break down under their own weight and the truth will again triumph. The hour will come when we shall stand pure
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  17 December, 2019 By Rev. Ted Pike   President Trump’s recent Executive Order IS THE TEXT of the Jewish ADL’s “Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, S852, recently rejected by the US
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Rabbi Mizrachi says Chief Rabbi a ‘cancer’ who’ll ‘bring a Holocaust on UK Jews’

  via: The Truth Seeker By Jewish News – March 20, 2019 Rabbi Mizrachi and the Chief Rabbi. Click to enlarge The US-based rabbi who claims sick children are being
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Germany agrees to $88 million more for Holocaust survivors

  Source: Tampa Bay Times BERLIN (AP) — The organization that handles claims on behalf of Jews who suffered under the Nazis says Germany has agreed to pay another 75
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Holocaust Or Holohoax 06: The Faked Atrocity Photos

  Source: Holohoax | By cigpapers Whenever anyone questions the extent of Nazi atrocities and the “Holocaust” the jew zionist controlled main stream media always trot out photos as evidence. However modern
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Nordhausen – Epitome of the Big Lie

http://QuestioningTheHolocaust.com http://HolocaustHandbooks.com http://Codoh.com Images of Nordhausen are used all over the major media – from Encyclopedia.com, NBC, ABC, and “Holocaust” books written as proof of a deliberate German extermination policy
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The Most Famous Concentration Camp PHOTO is a FAKE

Here is the original, as it appeared in The New York Times Magazine (with text added by WinstonSmithMinistryOfTruth.blogspot.co.uk:  http://winstonsmithministryoftruth.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/the-most-famous-holocaust-photo-fraud.html)

LIFE Matters Supremely…..or what else possibly can?

“How anyone breathing life can ‘justify’ denying those same life energies to another aspiring human being is way, way beyond me!” By: Carol Asher The growing number of Americans who
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German Television Exposes Holocaust Lies: Historic Broadcast Shocks Germany

“Ms Haverbeck was ethnically cleansed from her home at the end of the war along with millions of other Germans and has been victimised ever since by the Jews who
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Next head of ‘Civil Administration’ said Palestinians are sub-human

After the Oslo Accords, the Israeli army renamed the Military Government of the West Bank the Civil Administration. MK Eli Ben-Dahan was just appointed to oversee the Administration, which oversees
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The footage that you were never meant to see.

Adolf Hitler Saves Innocent Civilians From The Real Holocaust   Source: Freedom 4um Hitler saved Jews of Ukraine. 90 second video. America would be better off today if we had
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This Is America’s Fate If We Don’t Do SOMETHING!

Source: Govern America by Miss America                            The “Russian” Revolution which began in 1917 was actually the “Bolshevik Jewish
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Will You Survive Being Sent To A FEMA Camp?

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network Our banker hijacked government has eviscerated the Constitution through tyrannical legislative acts such as: The Military Commissions Act, The Patriot Acts I and II,
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Israel’s Efforts to Limit Use of Holocaust Terms Raise Free-Speech Questions

Source: NYTimes JERUSALEM — Israel is on the brink of banning the N-word. N as in Nazi, that is. Parliament gave preliminary approval on Wednesday to a bill that would
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Exclusive: CNN Fabricates Iranian President’s Remarks about Holocaust

Source: Fars News TEHRAN (FNA)- American news channel CNN fabricated the remarks made by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in response to the network’s question about the Holocaust. The CNN aired
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