U.S. Life Expectancy Declines Again: What Should Be Done?

  I would beg to differ on suicides and opiates being the reason.  More likely that all the chemicals that we are eating, (GMO), and poisonous adjuvants in all those
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  via: BLACKLISTED NEWS   SOURCE: THE FREE THOUGHT PROJECT   (Support Free Thought) – Milwaukee, WI — Disturbing body camera footage was recently released showing Milwaukee police shoot an unarmed
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Questionable Tactics Used in Vaccine ‘Safety’ Testing

source: www.lewrockwell.com By Joseph Mercola In December 2017, Slate magazine published an astonishing article about the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Gardasil, revealing how the safety trials for this controversial vaccine actually “weren’t
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BREAKING: The Founder of WikiLeaks is DEAD!

  Source: The Political Insider | By Kosar Sadly, while Julian Assange is held up in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London without internet, we have learned tragic news. The founder and director
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Democrat Senator Says Pro-Life People Have No First Amendment Religious Freedoms

“Certainly the first amendment says that in institutions of faith that there is absolute power to, you know, to observe deeply held religious beliefs. But I don’t think it extends far
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LIFE Matters Supremely…..or what else possibly can?

“How anyone breathing life can ‘justify’ denying those same life energies to another aspiring human being is way, way beyond me!” By: Carol Asher The growing number of Americans who
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Report: Bin Laden Already Dead

Source: Fox News December 26, 2001 Usama bin Laden has died a peaceful death due to an untreated lung complication, the Pakistan Observer reported, citing a Taliban leader who allegedly attended
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ZERO U.S. Measles Deaths in 10 Years, but Over 100 Measles Vaccine Deaths Reported

Source: Health Impact News Brian Shilhavy News Editor April 19, 2015   With the measles and measles vaccine debate reaching a near frenzy on the Internet, it is always nice
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Leonard Nimoy of Star Trek dead at 83

[UPDATED 02-28-15 18:42] Source: The Verge Leonard Nimoy, the actor known for playing Spock on Star Trek, died today at age 83, according to The New York Times. He’s reported to have
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Police Shoot, Kill 80 Year Old Man In His Own Bed, Don’t Find the Drugs They Were Looking For

Source: Freedom 4um

5th banker in less than a month dies mysteriously

Source: Intelli Hub Last week we reported on the suspicious string of apparent suicides that has hit the financial industry.  Multiple bankers have been found dead in recent weeks.  Those
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Police Beat Mentally ill Homeless Man to Death – and Get Away With It

Source: Alter News Today two ex-police officers were found not guilty in the 2011 beating death of a mentally ill homeless man. Kelly Thomas, a 37-year-old homeless man with schizophrenia,
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