Lori Wallach explains: “Free Trade” is really an international corporate coup

heckofjob Published on Dec 4, 2014  Public Citizen’s Lori Wallach explains in clear and engaging detail why so-called “Free Trade” is really an international corporate coup. From an interview with
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Sneaky Change to the TPP Drastically Extends Criminal Penalties

via: Truth-Out When the text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was first released in November last year, it included provisions dictating the kinds of penalties that should be available in cases of
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European Groups Expose ‘Terrifying Extent of Corporate Grab’ Within TTIP

Common Dreams | Deirdre Fulton Even with global inequality at historic highs and corporate tax evasion in the public spotlight, a new report out Monday shows how a so-called free
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Countries Sign The TPP… Whatever Happened To The ‘Debate’ We Were Promised Before Signing?

Tech Dirt | Mike Masnick | Wed, Feb 3rd 2016 3:33pm from the now-the-ratification-fight dept About an hour ago, representatives from 12 different nations officially signed the Trans Pacific Partnership (TTP) agreement in
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TPP: Hundreds gather outside Governor-General’s residence

via: FlushTheTPP.org Above photo: Anti-TPP protesters have gathered in front of the Governor-General’s residence in Wellington. By Callum Osborne Wellington, NZ – Hundreds of people gathered in front of the Governor-General’s residence
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TPP Threatens US Sovereignty and National Security

Freedom Outpost | Suzanne Hamner | 5 Hours Ago  With all the hoo hah over ISIS, the Muslim invasion force in Europe, the importation of Muslims into the United States – perpetrated by Obama
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Dr. Paul Craig Roberts : TPP (“trade deals”) & the New World Order

TPP is a Jewish affair

Real Jew News | Brother Nathaniel Kapner IT’S ALL ABOUT global governance with Jews in high places marshaling their efforts to castrate the sovereignty of nation-states with their ‘negotiated’ TPP
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ObamaTrade Details Unveiled, Officials Warn “It’s Worse Than We Thought”

Zero Hedge | Tyler Durden | 11/05/2015 15:10 -0500 “The Trans-Pacific Partnership means that America will write the rules for 21st century trade,” according to President Obama, but as Reuters reports, U.S. unions,
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The Meat Industry Is Licking Its Chops Over Obama’s Massive Trade Deal

Mother Jones | Tom Philpott The US meat industry scored a big victory this week when world leadershammered out an agreement that would reduce trade barriers across the Pacific: from
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James Corbett – The Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations Are Finished: Here’s What You Need to Know

Last-minute negotiations over the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) deal in Atlanta this past week finally ended on Monday when trade ministers emerged with a deal. It’s a testament to the secrecy
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Trans-Pacific Partnership Deal Struck As “Corporate Secrecy” Wins Again

Zero Hedge | Tyler Durden | 10/05/2015 17:46 -0400 Once again the corporatocracy wins as the so-called “Trojan horse”Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement has been finalized. As WSJ reports, the U.S., Japan
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Paralysis of the will to live

We see the signs all around us. They are impossible to ignore. Taken to their logical conclusion, these ominous trends show that many of us are soon to be killed,
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Corporatocracies: Of Blood, Brains and Thought

“The effort to steal all the published images on the planet by Ted Turner turned out to be far too costly and eventually failed, as did “Time-Warner”, which eventually had
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LIFE Matters Supremely…..or what else possibly can?

“How anyone breathing life can ‘justify’ denying those same life energies to another aspiring human being is way, way beyond me!” By: Carol Asher The growing number of Americans who
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Obama Signs Unconstitutional TPA as CFR Looks to Bring China into TPP

“As The New American has pointed out many times over the past few years (see here, here, and here), the architects of the TPP — especially the world government activists of the Council on Foreign Relations
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It Turns Out That Obama Won the Free-Trade Fight in Congress After All

“Indeed, on Tuesday [today] the Senate gave the president what he had wanted all along—”fast-track” authority to negotiate a final TPP bill that can’t be filibustered or amended when Congress
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“Despite the administration’s public assurances that it was not negotiating on immigration, several chapters of the TiSA draft posted online explicitly contained potential changes in federal immigration law. TPA would
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Democrats And GOP Rebels Save The Day On Obamatrade

“But this so-called Obamatrade bill is a nightmare. If you thought NAFTA and GATT are bad (and they are), Obamatrade (TPP) is far worse. Even worse is that congressional leaders
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NAFTA ON STEROIDS – Hidden TPP Dictatorship? – Obama Can Rewrite US Laws

“What sense does it make to rewrite American domestic laws to conform to an international treaty? What protections do we have against our Constitution being subjugated? Where is the representation
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