MINNESOTA: MOB OF SOMALIS RAGE Through Upscale Neighborhood Threatening To “Kidnap” And “Rape” Homeowners [VIDEO]

Source: 100percentfedup.com Of course, you won’t see this story on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC or any of the other liberal news stations. Because gangs of Muslim refugees threatening innocent people
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Black Lives Matter issues HUGE threat if Trump is elected

  Source: AllenBWest.com | By Matt Palumbo Ever try to prove how peaceful your movement is by threatening a military coup if you don’t get your way? Welcome to the insane world
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‘Western media attempting to portray Iran as threat’

RT | Op-Edge | 31 Dec, 2015 14:07 Despite seeing positive signs towards Iran from people like US Secretary of State John Kerry, Western media keeps depicting the state as a threat,
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TPP Threatens US Sovereignty and National Security

Freedom Outpost | Suzanne Hamner | 5 Hours Ago  With all the hoo hah over ISIS, the Muslim invasion force in Europe, the importation of Muslims into the United States – perpetrated by Obama
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Ferguson cop says life is ‘ruined’ after pointing AR-15 at journalists and saying, ‘I’m going to f*cking kill you!’

Raw Story | MATT AGORIST, FREE THOUGHT PROJECT | 20 DEC 2015 AT 07:16 ET A petulant public servant is now playing the role of ‘victim’ after he pointed his AR-15 at Free
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