Subtle Statecraft Part One: Michael Shaw and Freedom Advocates

Oath Keepers Michael Shaw, Founder of Freedom Advocates, Constitutional Patriot When we go to the Freedom Advocates website we can find on the front page an article on “unalienable rights”,
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MICHAEL SHAW: Regionalism – The Blueprint for Your Serfdom

Freedom Advocates | Michael Shaw | September 28th 2013 Did you know that some of your local elected representatives are enabling a shadow government to evolve? These people promote the reinvention of
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TVOI News | Vicky Davis | September 30, 13:24, 2015 In December of 1994, the U.S. Senate voted to approve the treaty that created the World Trade Organization (WTO). The following is a description
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George Soros: “Rebuilding the asylum system imperative for EU”

The Japan Times | BY GEORGE SOROS | SEP 29, 2015 NEW YORK – The European Union needs to accept responsibility for the lack of a common asylum policy, which has transformed this year’s
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China Will Pony Up $3.1 Billion to Help Poor Countries Fight Climate Change

JAMES WEST | China followed up its promise Friday to create the world’s largest cap-and-trade program with yet another significant climate policy announcement: It will commit to spending $3.1
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‘Almost Quarter of a Million People’ Dead in Syria War

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, more than 11,000 children were among the 71,781 civilians killed in Syria. Source: teleSUR Published 8 August 2015 Almost a quarter of
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NAFTA ON STEROIDS – Hidden TPP Dictatorship? – Obama Can Rewrite US Laws

“What sense does it make to rewrite American domestic laws to conform to an international treaty? What protections do we have against our Constitution being subjugated? Where is the representation
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BRICS Central Bank experts meet in Turkey to finalise joint Monetary Fund

“The reserve fund will provide liquidity support to member countries in response to short-term balance of payments problems.”   Source: The BRICS Post June 14, 2015, 5:55 am BRICS central banks experts are holding
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The 2014 Ebola Report: The Evidence and Timeline

Source: Truth Sector News  FINAL NAILS IN THE EBOLA SCAM COFFIN The 2014 Ebola Outbreak is a PROVEN FRAUD, Here is the Evidence Report Shortlink: HELP ME KEEP THIS
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Border Patrol Agents Reveal The UN is in Control of the Border

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHRC) has previously met with officials from the U.S., Mexico and various Central American countries on the pretense of
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The UN Plot to Confiscate American Guns

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network UN Document Or Not, the Plot to Disarm America Is Commencing The evidence is mounting that Obama and his colleagues at the United Nations
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The Trigger Event for the UN Takeover of the US

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network Parts One and Two of this series described how the United Nations is poised to take over the United States. The border crisis with
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Meet the Man Who Will Be In Charge of the UN Takeover of America

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network In Part One, I detailed how the United Nations is posturing to seize American guns as a prelude to martial law. If you have
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Agenda 21: The Plan for a Global Fascist Dictatorship

Source: Waking Times One of the most popular films of 2012 was The Hunger Games which portrayed a post-apocalyptic nation called Panem in which a super-rich, super-pampered, super-callous ‘elite’ lived in high-tech
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South Africa’s Agenda 21 Quagmire Is America’s Emerging Future

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network South Africa has it all, rewilding, UNESCO’s Education for All which has dumbed downed an entire population, prohibition to thin out forests which leads
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As Globalists Centralize, Secession Fever Grows Worldwide

Source: The New American Much has been written about the ongoing efforts by globalists and the international establishment to centralize political and economic power. From the European Union, the African
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The Obama Youth Movement & the Seizing of American Children

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network There is presently a massive conspiracy designed to separate you from your children and give the government complete control over your children. To put
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Will Humanity Survive the Depopulation Agenda of the Global Elite?

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network Do you remember when your mother asked you if you would jump off a cliff if everyone else was doing it? It turns out
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