via: BLACKLISTED NEWS SOURCE: MINT PRESS NEWS – BY WHITNEY WEBB TEL AVIV – A new report from the Emirati news website Al-Khaleej Online has revealed that many of the mercenaries leading the assault against
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The United States Is a Dead Man Walking

  Source: Institute for Political Economy Or is it a dead feminist, homosexual, transgendered walking zombie? By Paul Craig Roberts Truth is under fierce attack. If you do not support
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‘Jewish Nobel’ Cancels Ceremony After 2018 Winner Natalie Portman Refuses To Visit Israel: “Recent Events In Israel Have Been Extremely Distressing”

  Source: Women System The Genesis Prize announced it was canceling its prize ceremony in Israel in June after 2018 recipient Natalie Portman said she would not take part in
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Evidence mounts that PLAGUE outbreak in Africa is an engineered depopulation bioweapon

source: Saturday, November 11, 2017 by: Mike Adams (Natural News) Thousands of people have been infected and over 143 are now reported dead from the plague outbreak that’s now threatening Africa,
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    Source: DesertPeace   “The Jews should have the right to hate [Arabs].” “I think we have the right to hate them.”  Everyday Israelis express support for genocide Ali
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New “RNA interference” crop technology WEAPONIZES food into the ultimate eugenics weapon… could target Blacks for covert sterilization

  via: Government Slaves | By Mike Adams A devastating new food weaponization technology has been developed called “RNA interference.” This technology, initially rolled out to destroy the fertility of pests, could easily be
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Students & faculty protest ‘war criminal’ Madeleine Albright commencement speech

Source: RT Scripps College students and faculty are protesting former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, saying they are outraged that a “war criminal” is headlining a graduation ceremony. A number
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Decades On, Israel Tries to Bury its Darkest Times

Global Research | By Jonathan Cook | March 27, 2016 One might expect that only historians would care to revisit the 1948 war that created Israel. And yet the debate about what constitutes
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Military Spending Around the World

Security Spending Around the World Security Spending Around the World The United States spends more on security and defense than any other country in the world. Let’s look at what
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German Television Exposes Holocaust Lies: Historic Broadcast Shocks Germany

“Ms Haverbeck was ethnically cleansed from her home at the end of the war along with millions of other Germans and has been victimised ever since by the Jews who
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Next head of ‘Civil Administration’ said Palestinians are sub-human

After the Oslo Accords, the Israeli army renamed the Military Government of the West Bank the Civil Administration. MK Eli Ben-Dahan was just appointed to oversee the Administration, which oversees
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The Marxist Murderers

Source: YouTube Published on Jan 25, 2013  Jewish Marxist regimes around the Globe have been responsible for a greater number of deaths than any other political ideal or movement in
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Raucous Swearing In of Israel’s New Ruling Coalition

Source: Freedom 4um Stephen Lendman  May 15, 2015 It’s the most extremist in Israel’s history. It’s not a legitimate government of, by and for all Israelis equitably. It’s polar opposite.
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This Is America’s Fate If We Don’t Do SOMETHING!

Source: Govern America by Miss America                            The “Russian” Revolution which began in 1917 was actually the “Bolshevik Jewish
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Five Israeli Talking Points on Gaza—Debunked

Source: Zen Gardner Israel has killed almost 800 [0ver 1000 counted so far now – ed] Palestinians in the past twenty-one days in the Gaza Strip alone; its onslaught continues.
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What Will Happen When the Dollar Collapses?

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network Will It Be a False Flag Attack Or a Currency Collapse? Hitler initiated a false flag event and burned down the Reichstag to gain
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How Can Americans Feel Safe, When There Are No Rules?

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network They always say that the husband is the last to know and that a devastating extramarital affair that can serve to undermine a marriage,
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History Shows That When the Elite Lose Control of the Info Wars, Genocide Is Next

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network In the alternative media, we constantly hear the mantra that if we could only “wake up” enough Americans, we could stop the globalists in
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These Men Are Training To Put You and Your Family In a FEMA Camp

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network I have never received more vitriolic email since I ran the John Moore declaration about Russian commandos coming into country. However, I have received
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The Reason Why There Will Be a Second American Civil War

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network Anyone knows, who has half of an eye open, that American citizens are soon to become an endangered species under our present lunatic President.
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