Raucous Swearing In of Israel’s New Ruling Coalition

Source: Freedom 4um Stephen Lendman  May 15, 2015 It’s the most extremist in Israel’s history. It’s not a legitimate government of, by and for all Israelis equitably. It’s polar opposite.
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NEW RULES: Drunk drivers, sex abusers, drug dealers, gun offenders not top deportation priorities

Source: Clash Daily Posted on November 22, 2014 Nope, not a priority anymore. I wonder what their new priorities are now, then? The Department of Homeland Security has just released
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If Obama Actually Cared About Homeland Security Or Islamic Terror He Would Seal The Border NOW

By Michael Snyder Republic Broadcasting Network The “Department of Homeland Security” is a total farce.  So is the “war on terror”.  As you will see, the reality of the matter
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