via: The Daily Sheeple | By MATT AGORIST | THEFREETHOUGHTPROJECT.COM   It’s become a near-weekly occurrence. Somewhere in some state, the FBI will announce that they’ve foiled yet another terrorist plot and saved lives.
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The ‘War On Terrorism’ Isn’t Working

  Source: | by Justin Raimondo If insanity is doing the same thing over and over in the expectation of a different result, then our foreign policy surely qualifies as madness.
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The US War on Terror Has Cost $5 Trillion and Increased Terrorism by 6,500%

  Source: The Anti-Media |  Darius Shahtahmasebi On September 11, 2001, one of the most tragic events in recent American history took place. Close to 3,000 civilians lost their lives in horrific
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TRUTH BOMB: The Saudis Turn On The Neocons, “The U.S. Blew Up World Trade Center To Create War On Terror”

by SGT, SGT  We’ve been waiting a long time for this. 5,368 days to be exact. It has been 14 years, 8 months, and 12 days since the Neocon
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UN Plots War on Free Speech to Stop “Extremism” Online

New American | By Alex Newman The United Nations Security Council wants a global “framework” for censoring the Internet, as well as for using government propaganda to “counter” what its apparatchiks call
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Russia’s First Week in Waging a “Real” War on Terror. 112 Targets Struck. ISIS Forces Retreating

Global Research | Stephen Lendman | October 08, 2015 In over a year of Washington’s phony war on ISIS, they’re stronger with more territory than when US bombing began – targeting Syrian and
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Jeb Bush’s Zionist Paymasters: Bloomberg and Rothschild

“The Rothschild family is the original financial and ideological founder of the Zionist state in Palestine. In Britain, the Lord Rothschild is considered the head of British Jewry.” Source: Christopher
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Eric Holder Announces Task Force to Focus on “Domestic Terrorists”

Source: Liberty Blitzkreig Michael Krieger | Posted Tuesday Jun 3, 2014 at 11:44 am It’s been obvious for quite some time that the so-called “war on terror” is nothing more
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War on terror is the new gold rush. Permanent, secret war is new normal .

Source: Brasscheck TV “Bipartisan war on terror”  We now live in a runaway new national security state that feeds off of unending war. The war on terror is the first
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Karen Kwiatkowski: The US Government Has Lost Credibility at Home and Abroad After 9/11

Source: Lew Rockwell By Karen Kwiatkowski FARS News Agency September 11, 2014 Originally published at FARS News Agency. According to Karen Kwiatkowski, the United States government is being seen by
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If Obama Actually Cared About Homeland Security Or Islamic Terror He Would Seal The Border NOW

By Michael Snyder Republic Broadcasting Network The “Department of Homeland Security” is a total farce.  So is the “war on terror”.  As you will see, the reality of the matter
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The Case of Malaysia’s Missing Airliner MH370 – Part Two

Source: 21st Century Wire IMAGE: Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777. The mystery  has deepened in the case of missing Malaysian airliner MH370, as the search has reportedly been expanded to an
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What’s Behind the Disappearance of Malaysian Airliner MH370? Part One

Source: 21st Century Wire What really happened to the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370? Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 has been said to have disappeared from the sky in the early
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“Homeland Security”: another Jewish racket

Source: John Friend’s Blog I’ve explained in a previous blog post that the entire “Global War on Terror” (read: Jewish War of Terror) is basically a Jewish racket.  Israel and
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