At UN Summit, World Rulers Adopt Agenda for Global Socialism

The New American |  Alex Newman | Monday, 28 September 2015 A far-reaching United Nations plot to re-engineer civilization and impose global socialism on humanity, variously dubbed “Agenda 2030” and the “Sustainable
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‘Do you realise what you’ve done?’ Putin addresses UNGA 2015 (FULL SPEECH)

YouTube | RT Streamed live on Sep 28, 2015 Russian President Vladimir Putin is due to address the 70th UN General Assembly session in New York City on Monday, September 28.
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George Soros: “Rebuilding the asylum system imperative for EU”

The Japan Times | BY GEORGE SOROS | SEP 29, 2015 NEW YORK – The European Union needs to accept responsibility for the lack of a common asylum policy, which has transformed this year’s
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UN Finalizes 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Source: IISD 2 August 2015: The final version of the draft post-2015 development agenda, titled ‘Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,’ was adopted by acclamation at the
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Erodoğan and Netanyahu Declare War

“Ultimately, Netanyahu intends to take care of his ‘Palestinian Problem’ for good: complete the conquest and occupation of Palestine and expelling the Palestinian people from their homeland – the single
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Patrick J. Buchanan Who Really Lost America?

Source: The American Conservative By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN • May 19, 2015, 12:05 AM  As Middle America rises in rage against “fast track” and the mammoth Obamatrade deal known as
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