NATO commander says Russia, Syria using migrant crisis as weapon

Yahoo News | Thomas Watkins | March 1, 2016 4:52 PM  Washington (AFP) – Top NATO General Philip Breedlove warned US lawmakers Tuesday that Russia is helping Syrian President Bashar al-Assad turn
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Destroying Syria: A Century In the Making

WHTT | News Post | February 24, 2016  This article by Dana Visalli, published by Global Research in Canada, reveals the meddling by the United States and its Western Imperialist allies in Syria
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800,000 Refugees Returning to Syria Thanks to Russia

Sputnik | 16:01 27.10.2015 Journalist Christan Saarländer from the Austrian Contra Magazin called Russia’s military operation in Syria a “blessing” and blamed German media for its propaganda war against Russia. German
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Obama Won’t Admit the Real Targets of Russian Airstrikes

No one is discussing the reality that the Russian offensive is targeting the biggest militant threat to the Assad regime by Gareth Porter, October 17, 2015, The US response to
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‘Do you realise what you’ve done?’ Putin addresses UNGA 2015 (FULL SPEECH)

YouTube | RT Streamed live on Sep 28, 2015 Russian President Vladimir Putin is due to address the 70th UN General Assembly session in New York City on Monday, September 28.
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Down the Memory Hole: NYT Erases CIA’s Efforts to Overthrow Syria’s Government

Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR) by Adam Johnson FAIR has noted before how America’s well-documented clandestine activities in Syria have been routinely ignored when the corporate media discuss the
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School Warns Parents To Dress Daughters Modestly To Avoid Offending Muslim Refugees

“Revealing tops or blouses, short shorts or miniskirts could lead to misunderstandings,” Thalhammer instructed. “The Syrian citizens are mainly Muslims and speak Arabic,” the head teacher wrote, according to Russia
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