Fissures in the Empire

  Source: Information Clearing House | By Paul Craig Roberts  If you have been wondering what all the terror events in France and Germany are about, here is the answer:
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ISIS Leader ‘Al-Baghdadi’ Is A ‘Jewish Mossad Agent’ Named Simon Elliot

via: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, so-called  ”Caliph,”  the head of ISIL (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant is, according to sources reputed to originate from Edward Snowden, an actor
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Islam Is Not the Problem, The US Empire Is

WHTT | News Post | January 8, 2016  Dr Ron Paul’s 16 minute address,”Are We In A Clash of Civilizations?” is a must view. Dr. Paul’s comments include: “If what is said by
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The Wall Street Skew of the Saudi/Irani Rift

WHTT | Charles E Carlson | January 5, 2016  Bloomberg News: “The rivalry dates back to Iran’s Islamic Revolution in 1979. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini accused Saudi rulers of corruption and argued that
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The US Warmakers’ Divide & Conquer Strategies In The Middle East

WHTT | News Post | January 4, 2016  In this excellent article, first published in, Dan Sanchez takes a step back to look into the genesis of the ongoing crisis in the
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USSA-Israeli Policies Unmasked | Jim Kirwan | 1-1-16 For almost all of 2015, USI policies have remained in a global-quagmire. The reason was that USI tried to play off everything that was being done,
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Putin and Israel – a complex and multi-layered relationship

The Saker | December 23, 2015  The recent murder of Samir Kuntar by Israel has, yet again, inflamed the discussion about Putin’s relation to Israel.  This is an immensely complicated topic
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“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East The Infamous “Oded Yinon Plan”. Introduction by Michel Chossudovsky

Global Research | Israel Shahak | November 07, 2015 This article was first published on Global Research on April 29, 2013. Global Research Editor’s Note The following document pertaining to the formation of
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I Helped Create ISIS

TeleSUR TV | Vicent Emanuelle After 14 years of War on Terror the West is great at fomenting barbarism and creating failed states. For the last several years, people around
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As lawmakers clash over refugees, Syrian immigration quietly tops 100,000 since 2012

Fox News | Joseph J. Kolb | Published December 16, 2015 …Former FBI official: Fake Syrian passports a concern… A proposal to admit 10,000 Syrian refugees to the United States has ignited
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U.S. refuses to bomb ISIS targets: “Can’t get clearance even with a clear target in front of us”

SHTFPlan | By Mac Slavo | via: Intellihub | December 16, 2015, 3:38am EST By all accounts, ISIS is clearly the biggest threat to the United States, with the San Bernardino attacks just the most
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‘Trump singles out Hillary but all US officials have blood on hands’

Press TV | via: The Truth Seeker | Sun Dec 13, 2015 11:23PM   Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has singled out Hillary Clinton but all US officials have blood on their
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The Frantic Media Response to San Bernardino Is Making Us Less Safe

Vanity Fair | CALEB CARR | DECEMBER 9, 2015 2:49 PM In the wake of the shooting at the Inland Regional Center last week, many media outlets reported each new development with
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US SuperGov Shelters ISIS, Fakes Destroying It

We Hold These Truths | Charles E Carlson | December 7, 2015   Part 1. US regime change in Syria funded through surrogate (Update to original post 11/25/2015) It is frequently stated that ISIS, the Islamic State
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Regime Change: Syria at Root of Refugee Crisis

WHTT | Posted by News Post | December 1, 2015  The United States government is more interested in deposing Syria’s President Bashar Al-Assad than stopping ISIS, as revealed by Chuck Carlson, “US SuperGov
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Israel Is Buying ISIS Oil & Fighting in Syria

WHTT | Posted by News Post | December 2, 2015  Two news items demonstrating that Israel is involved in the conflict in Syria: “Israel PM admits forces operating in war-hit Syria” and “Raqqa’s Rockefellers:
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Glenn Greenwald on “Submissive” Media’s Drumbeat for War and “Despicable” Anti-Muslim Scapegoating

Democracy Now | NOVEMBER 19, 2015 | WATCH FULL SHOW In the aftermath of the Paris attacks, media coverage has seen familiar patterns: uncritically repeat government claims, defend expansive state power, and
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Man accused of plotting a 7/7-style bomb attack on the Westfield shopping centre is a ‘lowlife idiot’ who enjoyed drugs and alcohol, according to his brother

Daily Mail | JAMES DUNN FOR MAILONLINE | UPDATED: 15:52 EST, 30 November 2015    Mohammed Rehman, 25, was arrested for planning a London bomb attack Brother Shaukat today called him an ‘idiot’ and
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‘Firebrand senators want boots in Syria to dislodge Russia’

Press TV | Mon Nov 30, 2015 11:21AM The US Republican senators who seek troop deployment in Syria are in pursuit of driving Russia out of the Arab country and establishing
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Report: Russia Starts Ground Operations in Syria

FARS NEWS | Mon Nov 23, 2015 1:56 TEHRAN (FNA)- The Russian infantry forces, supported by air force and artillery units, launched their first operations inside the Syrian territory, a Kuwaiti
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