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Iranian General Soleimani Was on a Peace Mission with Saudi Arabia When He Was Killed by US Military on Orders from the White House
Source: Need To Know | Ron Paul and the GrayZone Ron Paul says it is highly unlikely that Iran was planning an attack on the US before this assassination, because
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Trump’s Venezuela Fiasco
Not recognizing the Democratically elected Nicholas Maduro. Proving that the U.S. meddles in another country’s elections. Doing so blatantly. The arrogance. Wouldn’t it be grand if someone pointed this
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Troops Out of Syria and Afghanistan? That’s a Good Start!
via: Lew Rockwell By Ron Paul Ron Paul Institute We all had a big shock this week when, seemingly out of the blue, President Trump announced that he was removing
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Ron Paul Lashes Out at Trump Admin Over Iran Starvation Policy
Source: WHTT Retired, constitutional Congressman Ron Paul is asking a question about the Trump administration’s ‘neoconservative’ policy regarding how to handle the situation with Iran: Is it normal?
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The Saudis Keep Changing Their Story on the Murder of Khashoggi. What Should We Do?
Source: Lew Rockwell By Ron Paul Ron Paul Institute The Saudi version of the disappearance and murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi seems to change every day or so. The
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‘Biggest Bubble in History of Mankind’
Source: Lew Rockwell Ron Paul says US stock market will soon plunge by 50% RT News The recent jump in Treasury bond yields indicates that the US is barreling
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RON PAUL: Why Are We Siding With al-Qaeda in Syria and Yemen?
Source: by Ron Paul Last week, I urged the Secretary of State and National Security Advisor to stop protecting al-Qaeda in Syria by demanding that the Syrian government leave
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Ron Paul: Why Can’t The United States Just Leave Syria Alone?
Source: Zero Hedge Authored by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity, Assad was supposed to be gone already. President Obama thought it would be
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Ron Paul: ‘Biggest Bubble in the History of Mankind’ Is About to Burst
Source: Western Journal | By Jack Davis Vast economic misery is coming to America, former congressman and libertarian icon Ron Paul is predicting. “I see trouble ahead, and it originates with too
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Education Scholarship Tax Credits Help Children and Advance Liberty
Source: Ron Paul, Campaign for Liberty | Ron Paul Shutting down the Department of Education and returning control of the education dollar to the American people is the key to improving
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By Ron Paul Dear John, I have some exciting news to share with you regarding our efforts to Audit the Fed! The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee recently
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via: BLACKLISTED NEWS | SOURCE: THE FREE THOUGHT PROJECT President Trump’s condemnation of NFL players that choose to kneel, rather than stand for the national anthem, reignited a national debate that began with
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Rand Paul’s Senate Vote Rolls Back the Warfare State
via: ChrisInMaryville’s Blog | By Ron Paul Last week, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) reminded Congress that in matters of war, they have the authority and the responsibility to speak for the American people.
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Ron Paul Unleashed: Former Candidate Excoriates Trump and Congress On One Issue After Another
Source: by W. E. Messamore Dr. Ron Paul, who served 12 terms in the US Congress and became famous when he ran on a libertarian platform for the Republican presidential
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Arizona Challenges the Fed’s Money Monopoly
History shows that, if individuals have the freedom to choose what to use as money, they will likely opt for gold or silver. Of course, modern politicians and their Keynesian
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Ron Paul: Economic Collapse Imminent — Trump will Get the Blame Instead of the FED
Source: by Jack Burns If former Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) is correct, an Economic Doomsday is here. The second financial bubble is going to soon burst, and there’s nothing anyone can
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Ron Paul: Donald Trump Wants To Audit The Federal Reserve, The “Secret Society” Loves Hillary
Source: RealClear Politics | By Tim Hains GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump said this week that the Federal Reserve is keeping interest rates low to keep the economy afloat. “They’re keeping
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Blowback: The Consequences of US Neocon Serial Wars Against Islam
WHTT | Tom Compton | January 18, 2016 In this informative, 20 minute program Chuck Carlson, Tom Compton and Glen Lesnick of We Hold These Truths discuss Dr. Ron Paul’s recent, must view
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Islam Is Not the Problem, The US Empire Is
WHTT | News Post | January 8, 2016 Dr Ron Paul’s 16 minute address,”Are We In A Clash of Civilizations?” is a must view. Dr. Paul’s comments include: “If what is said by
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