Rand Paul And The Shocking HR 1625 Omnibus Spending Bill

source: newswithviews.com by Ms. Smallback Kudos to Rand Paul for actually reading the omnibus spending bill and communicating with the American public about its ugly, ugly contents.  Some of the pork
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Finally, Some Good News

  via: Lew Rockwell | By Paul Craig Roberts, PaulCraigRoberts.org   Washington’s gratuitous raising of tensions with Russia that we have been witnessing for many years is so reckless and irresponsible that
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Rand Paul vows to block Trump’s nominees to run State and CIA

  Source: Washington Examiner | by Susan Ferrechio Sen. Rand Paul announced Wednesday he will oppose the nominations of both Mike Pompeo and Gina Haspel, who President Trump has selected to serve as
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“Hannity says this video is POWERFUL”

  via: email FROM THE DESK OF SENATOR RAND PAUL First his speech went viral, now celebrities and news outlets like Fox and Friends are hosting Nick Freitas. And just
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Rand Paul’s Injuries From His ‘Socialist’ Neighbor May Be Worse Than First Thought

  Source: MRCtv | Ashley Rae Goldenberg Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul was allegedly assaulted by his neighbor on Friday, leaving him with injuries that could reportedly require “several months” to heal. While
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Rand Paul’s Senate Vote Rolls Back the Warfare State

  via: ChrisInMaryville’s Blog | By Ron Paul Last week, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) reminded Congress that in matters of war, they have the authority and the responsibility to speak for the American people.
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Published: September 8, 2017 SOURCE: RACHEL BLEVINS As estimates to fix the damage caused by Hurricane Harvey reach over $100 billion, the U.S. Congress has pushed for a bill that would
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Rand Paul wants to make his fellow senators actually read the health care bill before they vote

  Source: Rare Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) reintroduced his notable “Read the Bills” resolution on Wednesday, which would require bills and amendments to be filed for a minimum of one
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Obama’s Gun Control Crown Jewel

  Source: email Dear John, Every day that goes by without an announcement from the Trump administration is only emboldening anti-gun statists at the United Nations. They know that one
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Sen. Rand Paul Opposes Trump Airstrikes in Syria: ‘The United States Was Not Attacked’

  Source: BREITBART | NEIL W. MCCABE WASHINGTON – Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul cautioned President Donald Trump about making war in Syria Thursday evening shortly after it was announced that the
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McCain says Rand Paul Working FOR Russia, Paul Replies McCain is “Past his Prime”

  Source: Constitution.com | By Onan Coca Oh. My. Word. The GOP is having some serious issues getting its act together and moving forward with the agenda they were elected to pursue.
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Rand Paul exits 2016 Presidential Race

Politico | Alex Isenstadt & Daniel Strauss ‘Today, I will end where I began, ready and willing to fight for the cause of liberty,’ the Kentucky senator said. Rand Paul
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Rand Paul Exposes the secret Federal Reserve… Audit The Fed Bill Wins 53-44 Majority In Senate, Blocked By Democrats Filibuster… Find Out If Your Senators Voted to Audit the Fed

Investment Watch Blog What’s a single argument against the audit? I see literally zero downside. Not like it would have actually been audited, “everything looks good to us!” but still…
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Rand Paul Backs Trump, Unleashes “Top Ten Things That Make Obama Unqualified” For Office

SHTFPlan | Mac Slavo | December 9th, 2015 | SHTFplan.com The White House, which is running a blatantly unconstitutional regime, is now attempting to vet potential successors to the Oval Office, and yet again
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Ted Cruz calls for monetary policy tied to gold

  Washington Examiner | JOSEPH LAWLER (@JOSEPHLAWLER) | 10/28/15 10:10 PM  Texas Sen. Ted Cruz called for money tied to gold Wednesday night, issuing a damning condemnation of the Federal Reserve’s management of
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Rand Paul Attacks the Federal Reserve

politicaloutcast.com | Mack Stetson Why should these statements by Rand Paul be considered so radical when the media is constantly attacking the corrupt and the wealthy? Rand Paul wrote an
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Updated: Ron Paul Endorses Son Rand as “Best Hope” to Lead Country

“Rand is the ONLY one in the race who is standing up for your Liberty, across the board.” – Ron Paul Source: Reason Blog Nick Gillespie | Aug. 14, 2015 2:00 pm
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WASHINGTON (AP) — The National Security Agency lost its authority at midnight to collect Americans’ phone records in bulk, after GOP Sen. Rand Paul stood in the way of extending
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Sen. Rand Paul’s ‘filibuster’ that isn’t

Source: Politico  Alex Byers  Updated 5/20/15 2:33 PM EDT Sen. Rand Paul took to the Senate floor to launch a “filibuster” of a bill to reauthorize a major government surveillance
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Source: Destroy Zionism