The Coronavirus Hoax, by Ron Paul

  Source: Russia-Insider | Ron Paul Governments love crises because when the people are fearful they are more willing to give up freedoms for promises that the government will take care of
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Bigger than Vindman: Trump scrubs 70 Obama holdovers from NSC

  Source: Washington Examiner | by Paul Bedard President Trump is making good on his promises to “drain the swamp” and cut Obama-era holdovers from his staffs, especially the critical and recently controversial
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In 5-4 ruling, Supreme Court allows Trump plan to deny green cards to those who might need gov’t aid

  via:   WASHINGTON — The U.S. Supreme Court issued an order Monday allowing the Trump administration to begin enforcing new limits on immigrants who are considered likely to
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Executive Order To Establish The Presidential Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice

  Source: THE UNMASKING OF MAINE….AND BEYOND Executive Order 13896 of October 28, 2019 Is this Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice a continuation of  President Bill Clinton’s
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Trump’s Killing of Soleimani: New “Worst Mistake in US History”

  Source: By KEVIN BARRETT   Donald Trump occasionally utters unspeakable truths. In March 2018 he called Bush Jr.’s decision to invade Iraq “the worst single mistake in US history.”
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America’s New War: Let’s Not Pretend That Iraqi Paramilitaries Drew First Blood

source: By Marko Marjanović A US-enabled Israeli hunting season on Iraqi militias had been going on for months before the first US casualty As the Trump administration would have it
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Three top John Bolton allies resign from Trump administration

  Source: Detroit News By: Justin Sink and Jennifer Jacobs, Bloomberg Three top allies of John Bolton resigned from President Donald Trump’s administration on Wednesday, departing the White House a
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  Source: The Intercept | Alex Emmons  PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP parted ways with his hawkish national security adviser John Bolton on Tuesday, ending a 17-month tenure that included additional troops deployed to the Middle East,
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“The Hybrid War Against Iran”: from Asia Times

Source: WHTT Posted by Charles E Carlson  July 4, 2019 Sorry to report this, but This publication has our administration in the White House figured…clearly angling to force Iran into a counterattack
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Rand Paul Presses Mike Pompeo on Iran: ‘You Do Not Have Our Permission To Go to War’

  Source: Does the Trump administration think it can wage war in Iran without congressional approval? Mike Pompeo won’t say. Joe Setyon Sen. Rand Paul (R–Ky.) pressed Secretary of
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Mike Huckabee Digs Up Damning Hillary Dirt To Trash Major Leftist Talking Point: ‘Shut Your Pie Holes’

  Source: Conservative Tribune BY BEN MARQUIS As part of their never-ending quest to malign, smear or otherwise “get” President Donald Trump, the liberal media once again are trying to create
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Trump’s Campaign Sent TV Producers 1 Incredible Memo Right After Mueller’s Report Landed

  Source: Conservative Tribune | BY MALACHI BAILEY In the aftermath of the end of special counsel Robert Meuller’s investigation, President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign sent a memo to mainstream media producers reminding
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Dr. Happer will set them free

  Source: American Thinker By David Archibald It was easy enough to predict that Trump would appoint Dr. William Happer to set up a Presidential Committee on Climate Science. Two years have passed
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Trump Wants To Raid an Asset Forfeiture Black-Box Fund To Build His Border Wall

  Source: Reason “Exactly what sources and what individuals this money comes from is obscure, and it’s obscure because that’s the way the federal government wants it.” C.J. Ciaramella President
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Revealed: Justice Department officials held meetings about recruiting Mike Pence to help force Trump out of office using the 25th Amendment, says James Comey’s fired deputy

  Source: Daily Mail   Andrew McCabe, the former deputy director of the FBI, recounted a Justice Department plot to remove Donald Trump from office in a television interview In
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Trump’s Speech: An Assessment

  By Paul Craig Roberts Readers are requesting my take on President Trump’s state of the union speech. Briefly, judging by the polls taken by his hostile critics—CNN and CBS—the
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Mueller’s Investigation is Missing One Thing: A Crime

  Source: The American Conservative   If he had something on Trump, we would have been watching impeachment hearings by now. By PETER VAN BUREN  A baby born when Robert Mueller
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Prepare for President Trump to call upon American citizens to defend the Republic against the lawless deep state

  Source: Natural News | by: Mike Adams (Natural News) Even though Robert Mueller is repeatedly indicting former Trump associates for lying to the government — a “process crime” – James Comey just gave
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Trump Has Been Broken by the Military/Security Complex

  via: Lew Rockwell By Paul Craig Roberts   In order to protect himself from the military/security complex, President Trump has abandoned his intention of normalizing relations with Russia. Just
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The Deputy Who Wore A Qanon Patch When Meeting VP Pence Has Been Demoted

  via: Lew Rockwell By Joe Martino Collective Evolution You probably recall the images that went viral of a SWAT team leader who wore a uniform police-clashing patch with the
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