I Will Not Stand By and Watch the Slavery Continue In The N(s)FL

    By Je suis Spike for RBN   Pete Caroll, coach of the Seattle Seahags, has convinced me, so I will not watch the horror that is the slavery
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Insane: Seattle Moves to Abolish Entire Police Force

  Source: Town Hall Well, it may be time to deploy the military to Seattle after all because what local lawmakers are doing is nothing short of allowing the city
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The Origins of Black Neo-Marxism

  Source: Need To Know | American Thinker   Noel Ignatiev was a white American of Russian-Jewish origin and former Harvard professor who is considered to be the father of numerous radical
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Dr. Happer will set them free

  Source: American Thinker By David Archibald It was easy enough to predict that Trump would appoint Dr. William Happer to set up a Presidential Committee on Climate Science. Two years have passed
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Painting of a Post-Constitutional America

Contributor & author: Dr. W. Scott Magill, Executive Director, ViDoL, USMC/USArmy-Med. Corps For interview requests or permission to publish: contact us at  drwilliamscottmagill2@gmail.com and we will promptly respond. Preview:  Hillary
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George Soros in Panic Mode, Calls Trump ‘Con Artist’ and “Dictator”

  Source: Constitution.com | By Tad Cronn   If you want to read a breathtaking exercise in arrogance, hypocrisy and shameless self-glorifying propaganda, read this alarmist screed written by George Soros, who
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Tim Kaine’s radical roots

  Source: The Hill | By Ken Blackwell, contributor According to the media, Tim Kaine took a life transforming “mission” trip to Latin America in 1980. Conveniently left out of these stories, are the
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Nancy Pelosi says Congress has Moral Authority to Act on Gun Control but Not on Illegal Immigration!

“One day, gun grabbers may illegally, unconstitutionally and, I might add, immorally pass legislation (again) to go after guns and gun owners, but those of us who understand the right
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The Marxist Murderers

Source: YouTube Published on Jan 25, 2013  Jewish Marxist regimes around the Globe have been responsible for a greater number of deaths than any other political ideal or movement in
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