Russia Dumping Dollars, Buying Gold at Fastest Pace in Decades
via: Russia-Insider By Tyler Durden Nine months ago, as US Treasury yields were drifting lower from a seven-year high reached in May of last year, we pointed out a
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via: Russia-Insider By Tyler Durden Nine months ago, as US Treasury yields were drifting lower from a seven-year high reached in May of last year, we pointed out a
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Tags: Currency, Gold, Money, Russia, US dollar
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*STORY/VIDEO REPRINTED IN FULL BELOW* (Rep. James Traficant) The Bankruptcy of The United States Source:, via: Anticorruption Society United States Congressional Record, March 17, 1993 Vol. 33, page H-1303
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Tags: Banks, Currency, federal reserve, National Debt, Traficant, US Bankruptcy, US dollar, video
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By Ron Paul Dear John, I have some exciting news to share with you regarding our efforts to Audit the Fed! The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee recently
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Tags: Audit the Fed, Banking, federal reserve, Money, Ron Paul, US dollar
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Tags: Big Oil, China, Chinese Oil trade, Dollar Collapse, Economy, financial collapse, Oil, Oil Trade, U.S. oil trade, United States, US dollar, yuan, yuan devaluation, Yuan overtaking Dollar
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Andrew Hoffman MANIPULATORS’ LAST STAND? The Miles Franklin Blog’s primary goal is to encourage long-term thinking, regarding the “big picture” of what’s going on in the global economy and financial
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Tags: BRICS nations, China, Dollar, Economy, federal reserve, financial collapse, market manipulation, PBOC, Precious Metals, Rupee, US dollar, yuan
Source: Video Rebel’s Blog Dr Jim Willie has been talking about the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, China, India and South Africa) being joined by other nations to take down the
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Tags: BRICS 80 nations, Dollar, Dr Jim Willie, federal reserve, Gold, gold price, Great Starvation, Jim Willie, US dollar, wall street
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Source: My Budget 360 The latest figures from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) reveals that 62 percent of Americans earn $20 or less per hour. And this only
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Tags: Banks, Economy, Income, Middle Class, US dollar, wages
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Source: Press TV As we documented in previous articles, the gold price is driven down in the paper futures market by naked short selling by the Fed’s dependent bullion banks.
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Tags: Comex, Comex gold trading floor, Dollar, Economy, Fed, federal reserve, Federal Reserve Open Market Committee, FOMC, Gold, gold price, Money, QE, Quantitative Easing, US dollar
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Source: Voice of Russia President Xi Jinping’s visit to Germany yielded an unexpected success for the Chinese quest to internationalize the yuan. German Bundesbank announced that it had signed a
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Tags: Angela Merkel, China, Currency, currency wars, Dollar, Economy, Europe, Reality Check, reality check news, us, US dollar, Xi Jinping, yuan
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Source: Global Research Russia “forced” by the sanctions to create a currency system which is independent from the US dollar. Russia announces that it will sell (and buy) products and
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Tags: Andrei Kostin, Bank Rossiya, putin, Russia’s Gold Ruble Payments System, Russian banks, US dollar
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Source: King World News Today the top trends forecaster in the world told King World News that there may in fact be over 20 dead bankers at this point, rather
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Tags: Australia, China, Gerald Celente, global currency, Gold, King World News, LIBOR, Trends Research, US dollar
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