The Real Reason America Dropped The Atomic Bomb. It Was Not To End The War

Source: By Arjun Walia Collective Evolution On August 6, 1945, the world, sadly, entered the atomic age. Without warning, a single nuclear bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima killed
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70% Of Jobs Added In January Were Minimum Wage Waiters And Retail Workers

Zero Hedge | Tyler Durden For those curious where the big jump in earnings came from, the answer appears rather simple: the reason, according to the BLS’ breakdown of jobs
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Here Is The Actual State of the Union — Such As It Is, It Is Not 

  By Je Suis Spike What does that mean, State of the Union? Well the President is required to periodically report to Congress on the state- or the condition- of
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A Farewell to Arms: California Police Allowed Seizing Legal Guns

Sputnik News | 07:04 01.01.2016 (updated 07:05 01.01.2016)  If you are Californian and legally own a gun, you may lose it if police consider you to be at risk of using it
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Syria Stunner: German Intelligence “Cooperating” With Assad, Berlin May Reopen Embassy In Damascus

Zero Hedge | Tyler Durden John Kerry went to Moscow on Tuesday and was absolutely elated when he stumbled on a Dunkin Donuts: But America’s top diplomat didn’t travel halfway
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Jonathan Pollard, American Who Spied for Israel, Released After 30 Years | Peter Baker & Jodi Rudoren WASHINGTON — Jonathan J. Pollard, the American convicted of spying for Israel, walked out of prison early on Friday after 30 years, but
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A Breitbart News review of State Department and Homeland Security data reveals that the United States already admits more than a quarter of a million Muslim migrants each year. President Obama
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China Now Dumping Dollar From Oil Trade For Yuan

X22 Report

How Bolivia became a drug war success story—after ousting Uncle Sam | Tim Rogers Six years after expelling the DEA, Bolivia has quietly become one of South America’s leading success stories in the war on drugs. According to a new
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American Pharoah: What A Perfect Description For The Guy In The White House

“In my opinion, he is the closest thing to a pharaoh that the United States has ever seen. Just consider Obama’s approach to immigration.  The laws of our land require
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All of the Countries which the U.S. “Regime Changed” – Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya – Have Descended into Brutal Chaos

Source: Zero Hedge Quantifying the Effects of Regime Change Since 2001, the U.S. has undertaken regime change in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. All 3 countries are now in chaos …
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War Is Coming

Source: Paul Craig Roberts The extraordinary propaganda being conducted against Russia by the US and UK governments and Ministries of Propaganda, a.k.a., the “Western media,” have the purpose of driving
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Is the US a Police State?

Source: Brass Check TV When wasn’t it? Back in the 1950s through 1970s, if you were a political person from a minority group, a “leftist” or outspoken against the war(s),
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All Signs Point to a Coming EMP Attack Upon the United States

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network In the last article, I presented this map and posed the question, why would the military make a decided effort to keep our Navy in
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US Intelligence: Russia Didn’t Do It

Source: Lew Rockwell After days of placing hostile blame for the downing of the Malaysian airliner on Russia, the White House permitted US intelligence officials to tell reporters that there
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US sells arms to Qatar, says they fund terrorists

The US just sold $11 billion worth of Patriot missile parts and Apache attack helicopters to Qatar. Although the US considers Qatar an ally in the Middle East, the State
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New World Disorder: Emerging Division Between East And West Threatens To Plunge The Globe Into Chaos

By Michael Snyder Republic Broadcasting Network In general, over the last several decades the world has experienced an unprecedented era of peace and prosperity.  The opening up of relations with
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The CDC and HHS Are Planning for Mass Casualties in the United States

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network I am presently vacationing at Ground Zero, the location of the greatest pandemic threat in American history and it is all related to unscreened
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Russia warns US against more aid for Syria militants

Source: Press TV Russia has warned the United States against increasing its support for the foreign-backed Syrian opposition. Earlier, US President Barack Obama’s administration asked Congress for $500 million for
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NSA Whistleblower Everyone in US under virtual surveillance, all info stored, no matter the post