Battlefield America: The Ongoing War on the American People

  Source: The Rutherford Institute By John W. Whitehead August 21, 2018 “A government which will turn its tanks upon its people, for any reason, is a government with a
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How Can We Bring Home Our Troops And Stop Policing The World?

  Source: News With Views | By Devvy Kidd    Next month will mark 17 years since the 9/11 mass murder took place. Ever since then, we the people have been
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Donald Trump And The GOP Are Exploding The Growth Of Deficit Spending

  By Chuck Baldwin   Anyone who believes that the Republican Party is conservative, especially in the area of federal spending, is seriously deluded. I have said for years: The
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Bankrupt America: Bankruptcy Soars As The Country Grapples With An Unprecedented Debt Problem

  via: SHTFplan   This article was originally published by Michael Snyder at The Economic Collapse America, you officially have a debt problem, and I am not just talking about the national debt.
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US Budget Deficit Hits $607 Billion In 9 Months, As Spending On Interest Explodes

  Source: Zero Hedge | by Tyler Durden  The US is starting to admit that it has a spending problem. According to the latest Monthly Treasury Statement, in June, the US collected $316BN in receipts –
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Can US Empire Sustain Its War Based Economy

  Source: WHTT   The US has a war based economy requiring enemies and serial wars to sustain its “empire.” That fact should be intuitively obvious to the casual observer,
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An Unexpected $12 Trillion Hole Emerges In Donald Trump’s Plan To “Make America Great Again”

  via: Freedom 4um  The “great hope” that has lifted asset prices and inflation expectations over the past week, sent the Dow Jones and the Russell to all time highs,
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The oil that lubricates the engines of the world

Source: AB DADA US budget for fiscal 2016 was $4.1 trillion. That’s $4,100,000,000,000 for the year. There are 320 million Americans total. This comes to $13,000 per year per American
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Trump’s Idea to Cut $19 Trillion National Debt: Get Creditors to Accept Less

Source: Donald Trump has proposed that he will slash the $19 trillion national debt by persuading creditors to accept less than full payment. Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for president,
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Iceland sentences 26 bankers to a combined 74 years in prison

US Uncut |  James Woods | October 21, 2015  In a move that would make many capitalists’ head explode if it ever happened here, Iceland just sentenced their 26th banker to
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Still Report #384 – My Greece Solution

“Thereafter, here’s my solution in a nutshell: If you outlaw national debt – national borrowing – governments can NOT overspend. It’s self-imposed austerity.”   Source: YouTube Bill Still Published on
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Europe Fractures: France “Prepared To Support Greece” In Debt Renegotiations

_ Source: Zero Hedge Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/01/2015 16:10 -0500 Despite Angela Merkel’s insistence on numerous occasions this past week that there will be “no debt renegotiations,” it
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The U.S. Government Is Borrowing About 8 Trillion Dollars A Year

Source:: The Economic Collapse I know that headline sounds completely outrageous.  But it is actually true.  The U.S. government is borrowing about 8 trillion dollars a year, and you are
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Japan Debt Update: ¥1,020,000,000,000,000.00

Source: Zero Hedge It’s been a while since we looked at Japan’s debt situation. Here is the dire update. From Japan News: Japan’s national debt totaled a record-high ¥1.02 quadrillion
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China Starts To Make A Power Move Against The U.S. Dollar

By Michael Snyder Republic Broadcasting Network In order for our current level of debt-fueled prosperity to continue, the rest of the world must continue to use our dollars to trade
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33 Stats That Prove That SOMETHING Desperately Needs To Be Done About The National Debt

Source: End of the American Dream The U.S. national debt is36 times larger than it was just 40 years ago.  That is not a misprint.  That is actually the truth.  We
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