‘No Cash’ Signs Swamp Sweden, Central Bank Under Scrutiny

  Source: Technocracy.news WRITTEN BY: AMANDA BILLNER FEBRUARY 19, 2018 Technocracy’s goal to convert the world to digital currency is finally under scrutiny in Sweden, which is the most ‘cash free’ nation
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Andrew Jackson’s Speech Against Central Banksters as True Today as in 1832

  Source: Silver Doctors 180 years ago this month, President Andrew Jackson gave the following speech regarding why he was closing the United States Bank. President Andrew Jackson July 10,
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Democracy Is a Front for Central Bank Rule

  Source: American Free Press The U.S. central bank, the Federal Reserve, is once again moving to prop up the “too-big-to-fail” banks by playing games with interest rates, and the
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  via BLACKLISTED NEWS | By CLAIRE BERNISH First, Iceland, and now Spain has taken on the Big Bankers responsible for financial calamity, as the country’s highest national court charged the former
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Iran, second Middle Eastern state to detach from Dollar

  Source: WHTT Editor CEC Comments:  Hopefully there will be enough pressure on President Trump to prevent a bombing IRAN. It has set itself up as a target by disconnecting from
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Famous Bond Investor, Bill Gross shines Light on GovBond Excess

  Source: WHTT | By Charles E Carlson Speaking of money, in  Double Down, Bill Gross has turned negative on the value of US Treasury bonds because there are just too many.
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How Central Banks Are Bleeding the Middle Class Dry

Source: mises.org by Rodion Giniyatullin Vincent Steinberg The Western welfare states know many ways to get rid of their enormous sovereign debt — at great cost of their citizens. Once the debt burden becomes
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Fed Official Confirms “Next Step” in Plan to Consolidate Economic Control

via: The New American While on a speaking tour overseas, an official of the Federal Reserve has confirmed the “next step” in the Fed’s plan to consolidate complete control over
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The International Currency Clique’s Attack on Savers

Source: WHTT | By Tom Compton Chuck Carlson discusses his groundbreaking article, “ICC Puts Savers at Risk to the Dollar / Debt Bubble.” To describe the machinations of the key central banks
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ICC Puts Savers at Risk to the Dollar / Debt Bubble

WHTT | Charles E Carlson | May 2, 2016  The negative earnings on millions of Americans’ life savings may be the pin that punctures the international Currency Clique bubble. The US Central Bank (FED)
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via: Freedom 4um  by CSGlobe.com The Vikings revenge. Iceland is taking the money back from the clutches of the private fractional reserve lending cartel. It’s happened before in history, and with
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If We Don’t Change The Way Money Is Created & Distributed, We Change Nothing

Zero Hedge | Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog | WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2015 The only real solution in my view is to create and distribute money at the base of the pyramid rather
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After 6 Years Of QE, And A $4.5 Trillion Balance Sheet, St. Louis Fed Admits QE Was A Mistake

“There is no work, to my knowledge, that establishes a link from QE to the ultimate goals of the Fed inflation and real economic activity. Indeed, casual evidence suggests that
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Doomsday clock for global market crash strikes one minute to midnight as central banks lose control

China currency devaluation signals endgame leaving equity markets free to collapse under the weight of impossible expectations   Source: The Telegraph By John Ficenec, video by Ju Zhang 3:06PM BST
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When A Train Wreck Is No Accident

Never in history have the economic and political structures been so manipulated by those who are responsible for their safekeeping; never has so much been at stake, in so many
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All Hail Our Banking Overlords!

“If you had asked me ten years ago if there was any chance of Greece becoming a failed state within a decade, I would have said ‘No, no chance.’  But
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Still Report #384 – My Greece Solution

“Thereafter, here’s my solution in a nutshell: If you outlaw national debt – national borrowing – governments can NOT overspend. It’s self-imposed austerity.”   Source: YouTube Bill Still Published on
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Is a Catastrophic Economic Meltdown Coming??

Source: Money Metals Exchange Precious Metals Market Update April 29th, 2015  The big question our readers are asking – the sticking point everyone wants to know when making financial decisions:
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Is China Already The World’s Largest ‘Owner’ As Opposed To ‘Holder’ Of Gold?

Source: Zero Hedge For decades many of us in the hard money world have speculated that cloak and dagger activity by large financial interests has played a large role in
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Federal Reserve President ‘Worried’ About Potential Crash?

Source: Wealthy Debates One of the men who runs the Federal Reserve System is worried about the potential effects of the central bank’s own policies, which involves printing more money.
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