Did the NSA Create Bitcoin? That’s classified

  via: Zero Hedge | (Global Intel Hub) — 5/12/2018 — Bitcoin is now the talk of the town (Wall St.) and yet we don’t know who created it.  There’s lots of
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Blockchain is not only crappy technology but a bad vision for the future

  Source: Medium | Kai Stinchcombe Blockchain is not only crappy technology but a bad vision for the future. Its failure to achieve adoption to date is because systems built on trust,
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Bitcoin headed to zero as NSA plan plays out

  via: Zero Hedge | by globalintelhub  Bitcoin in USD is down to 7,000 which is really a huge number when you think about it, but HODLrs who got in at more
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24-Year-Old Jailed for Selling Bitcoin Without Asking for ID

  Source: Every Crypto News US law agencies can celebrate another success in their tireless crusade to stop ‘unlicensed money transmitting’ in the land of the free. The latest victory
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Cryptocurrency crash? Or, just a correction?

  Source: Trends Research Institute After cryptocurrencies hit an all-time-high market cap of $835 billion on Jan. 7, they crashed to $279 billion on Feb. 6, declining 67 percent in
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The Bitcoin Craze And The Public Banking Movement

  Source: WHTT | Charles E Carlson How are they alike and how are they worlds apart?  Public Banking Institute Year-End Update: December 12, 2017 No less then half a dozen major
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Australian Banks Reportedly Freeze Accounts of Bitcoin Users

Cryptogon Disclosure: I hold cryptocurrencies. At some point, the fiat outflows will cause liquidity problems. That’s my guess as to why they fear cryptos so much. At the link below,
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The Bitcoin Bubble

  Source: Global Research | By Roy Morrison The price of a rare tulip bulb on the futures market in Amsterdam in January 1637 was equal to ten times the annual wage for
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Evidence points to Bitcoin being an NSA-engineered psyop to roll out one-world digital currency

  Source: Natural News | Mike Adams (Natural News) I’m going to assume the readers who make it to this article are well informed enough that I don’t have to go into
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Coinbase Ordered to Turn Over Identities of 14,355 Cryptocurrency Traders to the IRS

  Source: Motherboard | Daniel Oberhaus The exchange lost a legal battle and now Bitcoin’s tax problem is coming to a head. On Tuesday, a California federal court ordered the popular cryptocurrency exchange and
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Bitcoin Vs The International Bankers Who Finance Wars

  Source: WHTT What’s going on with the rise of interest in, and the increase in value of, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies? This recent, 26 minute documentary by PressTV does a
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  via: Wikipedia Bitcoin Prevailing bitcoin logo ISO 4217 Code XBT[a] Denominations Subunit   1⁄1000 millibitcoin[1]   1⁄100000000 satoshi[4] Symbol ₿[b]  satoshi[4] sat Coins Unspent outputs of transactions denominated in any multiple
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PANIC: $300M in cryptocurrency VANISHES overnight… user error blamed… 10 reasons why gold is better than Bitcoin

  Source: Natural News | Mike Adams Bitcoin’s meteoric rise in price has been accompanied by a predictably parallel rise in the contorted lunacy we seem to witness in every irrational bubble,
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US Lawmakers Draft Bill Protecting Cryptocurrencies from Gov Interference

  Source: THE COINTELEGRAPH | Joshua Althauser REGULATIONS Several members of the US Congress are drafting legislation that is intended to recognize certain digital currencies and protect them against interference from
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IMF Proposes Central Bank Digital Currencies To Crush Cryptocurrencies

  WRITTEN BY: RICHARD KASTELEIN AUGUST 11, 2017 A day of reckoning is approaching for rogue forms of money like digital blockchain currencies, when they run head into the global banking cartel.
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Terrorist Act In Congress While Janet Yellen Speaks?

  via: WHTT Why The Federal Reserve Will Not Use Bitcoins For Money (but you can) http://www.coindesk.com/buy-bitcoin-sign-raised-feds-janet-yellen-testifies-congress/ Someone just held up a “buy bitcoin” sign behind Yellen during her testimony
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Senate Bill to Force Citizens to Register Cash Not in a Bank, Violators Get 10 Years in Prison

  Source: The Free Thought Project | By Claire Bernish A new bill seeks to track your money and assets incessantly, will enjoin any business with government ties to act as a
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Famous Bond Investor, Bill Gross shines Light on GovBond Excess

  Source: WHTT | By Charles E Carlson Speaking of money, in  Double Down, Bill Gross has turned negative on the value of US Treasury bonds because there are just too many.
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China Launches Yuan Gold Fix To “Exert More Control Over Price Of Gold”

  via: Zero Hedge Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/19/2016 17:25 -0400 Overnight a historic event took place when China, the world’s top gold consumer, launched a yuan-denominated gold benchmark as
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The resolution of the Bitcoin experiment

MEDIUM | Mike Hearn | 1 day ago  I’ve spent more than 5 years being a Bitcoin developer. The software I’ve written has been used by millions of users, hundreds of developers, and the
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