The Bankers’ Unfolding Scheme for War on the Millenial Generation-Audio

  Source: WHTT   A most critical fact about President Donald Trump is that he is an invention of the International Bankers Cabal (IBC) that owns and controls the Federal
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The Bankers’ Unfolding Scheme for War on the Millennial Generation

  Source: WHTT | by Charles E Carlson Part 1:  A Trumped-Up Assault on World Peace A most critical fact about President Donald Trump is that he is an invention of the International Bankers
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U.S. Birth Rate Drops To 109-Year Low

  Source: MRCtv | Brittany M. Hughes, @RealBrittHughes According to the CDC, the U.S. birth rate has hit its lowest point in 109 years. From Live Science: The number of babies being born
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Time For A Wake-Up Call: The American Movement Towards Socialism & Communism

  Source: Zero Hedge Authored by Virginia Fidler via, Just how popular is socialism in America? The majority of millennials are in favor of it. CNN has tweeted about Martin Luther King being
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  Source: | BY DONN MARTEN The invasion of the state of Florida by hordes of anti-gun activists seeking to capitalize on the tragic mass murder at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High
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Doug Casey On Why Millennials Favor Communism

  via: Zero Hedge | By  Communism is better than capitalism… At least, that’s what a growing number of young people in the U.S. think. I wish I were joking. But a recent
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Bitcoin Vs The International Bankers Who Finance Wars

  Source: WHTT What’s going on with the rise of interest in, and the increase in value of, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies? This recent, 26 minute documentary by PressTV does a
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New Study Claims American Millennials Are The Most Useless Population In The World

  Source: Bro Bible | BY CASS ANDERSON  GIUSEPPE COSTANTINO – SHUTTERSTOCK   A new study seeking to measure the overall competency of age groups throughout the globe has found that
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Arrested economic development: 36 percent of Millennials living at home delaying financial adulthood. Less than one-third of Millennials employed.

Source: My Budget 360 Young Americans are living at home in record numbers.  Millennials are living at home for much longer because of the poor economic conditions for the young. 
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