Venezuela Has Hyperinflation. Now What?

  Source: Mises | By Jon Aldekoa Venezuela is the fifty-seventh country to encounter hyperinflation in modern history. The economist Steve Hanke estimated — using the doctrine of purchasing power parity (PPP) — that the country’s
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Learn How War Is Used To Clear The Books Following A Financial Crash

  Source: Need To Know | Stefan Molyneux Stefan Molyneux explains how the US government’s addiction to spending now can only be stopped through collapse followed by war.  This is a brilliant
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The Inflation Nightmare: How inflation is slowly consuming your income since 2000. The four horsemen of inflation include college tuition, medical care, housing, and stagnant wages.

  Source: My Budget 360 Inflation has a slow destructive impact on your purchasing power.  Most people don’t think twice about inflation.  They just assume that the price of goods
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The Least Explicable Bubble Of All

  Source: Zero Hedge | Authored by John Rubino via  Of all the mini-bubbles now inflating out there, maybe the least explicable is the race among emerging market companies to borrow
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Bank Of America Sets A Date For The Market’s “Great Fall”

Zero Hedge With the US stock market likely to continue its levitation today, it means that by close of trading, the S&P500 will be above 2,400, the same as Goldman’s
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James Wesley Rawles: “Double Up On Your Prepping,” They Can’t Hold Back Collapse Much Longer

Source: by MAC SLAVO Enjoy your turkey, family events and holiday cheer. Enjoy the changing political environment and the strange sense of normalcy that has returned since the end of the
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George Soros: EU exit risks ‘black Friday’

  Source: The Guardian Exclusive: Currency speculator warns devaluation would mean more disruption than when UK dropped out of ERM in 1992 The world’s most famous currency speculator has warned
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Texas Secession Looms As “Independence Resolution” Nears Vote

via: Zero Hedge | Josh Harkinson, originally posted at  If the nationalists get their way, this November might be the last time Texans vote for a US president.   On Wednesday,
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Steve Keen Exposes Our Dysfunctional Monetary System

Zero Hedge | Tyler Durden The great tragedy of the global economic malaise is that it is caused by a shortage of something that is essentially costless to produce: money.
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Day After Deutsche Bank Admits Not All Is Well, Swiss Giant Credit Suisse Also Admits It Needs More Cash

Zero Hedge | Tyler Durden Not everything is “fine” in the land of European banks, in fact quite the opposite. One day after Deutsche Bank warned of a massive $7
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The Shocking Reality: This Chart Shows Just How Bad Unemployment Is Today Compared to The Great Depression

Freedom Outpost | Mac Slavo While the Obama administration and their mainstream surrogates maintain that the economy is growing at a booming pace, the reality of the situation is starkly different.
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China Now Dumping Dollar From Oil Trade For Yuan

Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit       Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit Report date: 09.08.2015 Greek people say adopting the Euro
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China Loses All Control: Arrests Journalist, Financial Executive Over Market Crash | Tyler Durden For two months, China has been on a quest to control both the stock market itself and the narrative around the stock market. After an unwind in
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Jim Willie: US Dollar Will Not Survive 2015!

Silver Doctors | Jim Willie In the closing months of 2014, on numerous occasions the position was put forth that as the days of January stacked up, toward the end
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When A Train Wreck Is No Accident

Never in history have the economic and political structures been so manipulated by those who are responsible for their safekeeping; never has so much been at stake, in so many
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Is a Catastrophic Economic Meltdown Coming??

Source: Money Metals Exchange Precious Metals Market Update April 29th, 2015  The big question our readers are asking – the sticking point everyone wants to know when making financial decisions:
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The Crucial Sentence In Jamie Dimon’s Letter To JPMorgan Shareholders

Source: Forbes Halah Touryalai 4/10/2013 6:44PM If Jamie Dimon could take it all back he would. He can’t go back and fix what happened last year but he promises–promises!–that he’ll
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The Swiss will not have more EU QE

Source: Daily Business Report In the ridiculous charade that passes for the foreign exchange currency markets, the ease upon which a 39% spike in the Swiss Franc to the EU
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The Trigger Event for the UN Takeover of the US

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network Parts One and Two of this series described how the United Nations is poised to take over the United States. The border crisis with
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Experts Reveal Economic Collapse Imminent