The Trigger Event for the UN Takeover of the US
June 28, 2014 in Columnists, Dave Hodges by RBN Staff
By Dave Hodges
Republic Broadcasting Network
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Parts One and Two of this series described how the United Nations is poised to take over the United States. The border crisis with tens, if not hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens is threatening to paralyze several federal agencies. When this number grows to millions, this country and its resources will be paralyzed in terms of responding the holocaust which is underway. Part Two, in particular, demonstrated how the United Nations is prepositioning resources in anticipation of being able to assume a policing duty with regard to the border crisis, which has totally been manufactured in order that the UN has a pretext to function as a force.
Because the UN will be responding to a “humanitarian need” the American military will have a very difficult time objecting and opposing the takeover by the UN. The policing of the US by the UN is merely a move to gain a foothold for control over this country. When one looks at the wholesale movement of UN military vehicles, it is easy to conclude that their mission will not be humanitarian, in its totality, but this is lining up to be a military mission.
As bad as the crisis on the border will be, this is just the opening act. What follows will allow the UN to assume complete policing powers in all 50 states and the assumption of jurisdictional control over all state and federal agencies.
What Will Give the UN the Justification to Assume Control Over the Entire US?
The one element that binds together all the local, state and federal agencies is the economy. The border crisis will provide the UN the opportunity to have a presence in the border states. However, there will be 46 states that will not be under UN control. Therefore, how does the UN overcome this challenge in order to assume complete control of the United States?
When the American economy collapses, food riots will commence. The average American will have enough food and water for about three days, with the majority of Americans not possessing the means to protect their individual supplies from the hording bands of desperate people. Banks will collapse, business inventories will be looted and police will abandon their posts just like they did during Hurricane Katrina. From a law enforcement perspective, America will lose the ability to respond to the crisis within 3-5 days. Within 10 days, there will absolute and total anarchy. Nobody will be safe. However, the UN “Peacekeepers” will be present and will be willing and able to assume control. And if they assume control, as they did, in Bosnia, Serbia, the West Bank, Lebanon and Rwanda, Americans are in a lot of trouble.
My military sources have told me that this has already been rehearsed, the UN takeover of America, as far back as the 1990′s version of NORTHCOM and in combination with the UN have engaged in urban warfare drills.
Again, in Bosnia, urban occupation was coordinated between foreign troops and US soldiers, under UN command in this war torn country. The removal of 260+ American military senior grade military officers should make a lot more sense because our loyal military leaders would not approve of this loss of sovereignty. An economic collapse will be the second leg of the UN takeover of this country following an international response by the UN at the border.
And what will that mean? It will mean gun confiscation and seizure of private assets.
For those who are indifferent to a planned UN intervention in this country, I would ask you to please tell me when has the United Nations ever intervened in a crisis without having its presence create genocide type conditions? Since class is in session, let me provide for you with the poster child answer to the previous question. Look at what the UN did not do in the Rwanda crisis. These yellow-bellied blue helmets watched as people were pulled from their cars, their wagons and their homes and were subsequently murdered.
Twenty years after a million Rwandans were murdered in 90 days, the UN apologized for their inaction. The UN also has a similar track record in Bosnia, Serbia, the West Bank, et al., and soon to be in America.
Mark my words, when the food riots commence following the collapse of the dollar, the UN will not be intervening to save American lives in the midst of the economic collapse that is presently underway. The sole purpose of the UN presence, during this crisis, will be to assume complete control of the government and the key infrastructure.
Larry Grathwohl Was Correct
I had the good fortune of interviewing the late Larry Grathwohl many times. Larry was well-known for exposing the fact that Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorne, formerly the leaders of the radical revolutionary group, the Weatherman Underground, launched the political career of Barack Hussein Obama. While Larry was serving as an undercover informant designed to penetrate the Weatherman on behalf of the FBI, he once asked Ayers what will happen if and when these radical communists were ever able to assume control over the US. Ayers responded that “50 million Americans would have to be placed in re-education camps” (i.e. FEMA Camps). And he added that about “25 million would have to be eliminated”.
At that time in 1968, the United States only had 200 million people. Ayer’s incarceration numbers represented one in four Americans would have to incarcerated and one in eight would have to murdered. In today’s numbers, about 67 million Americans would be incarcerated and over 33 million Americans would have to murdered. The enormity of this statement by Ayers is staggering. Please keep in mind that this man that was the driving force behind the launching of Obama’s political career!
The Catalyst
Americans need to stop listening to Obama and the mainstream media, there is not going to be any economic recovery. No matter how many times they lie and bend the numbers to cushion America’s fall from financial grace, we have no hope economically because there is nothing left to salvage. America only has to look at three economic indicators to know that we are in a lot of trouble, The debt is $17 trillion dollars, unfunded (partially or otherwise) mandated social programs constitutes another $240 trillion dollars and the credit swap derivatives total between $1 quadrillion dollars to $1.5 quadrillion dollars, which is six times the GDP of the planet. Do you get it now? There will be no recovery, only a complete UN takeover when the economic collapse does come.
The UN will not have to round up 67 million Americans, most Americans will come to their imprisonment willingly, that is, if they want to eat and to be “temporarily” protected. It will be during this backdrop that we will see FEMA camps unveiled in manner described by Bill Ayers, who not only launched Obama’s political career but also still visits him at the Whitehouse. Time is short and the dots are beginning to connect.
Perhaps this July 4th, we should be having a going away party instead of a celebration.