Cheer up, the worst is yet to come!

  Source: WHTT By David Stockman |  October 5, 2018 – Title from Mark Twain, Those Extraordinary Twins (1894) “The yield on the 10-year U.S. Treasury note hit seven-year highs this week. It made
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  via: BLN SOURCE: COINTELEGRAPH The president of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro has announced that the country’s new cryptocurrency-backed national currency will start circulating August 20, local state news agency Telesur reported July 25. image courtesy of
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Federal Reserve To Bring Markets Closer To Collapse

  Source: Miles Franklin | Written by Chris Marcus for the Miles Franklin blog   Last Wednesday the Federal Reserve released the minutes of it’s most recent policy meeting. And some of the comments
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The Inflationary “Needle” Just Touched the Everything Bubble

  via: Zero Hedge | by Phoenix Capital Research    The Fed is lying about inflation. How do I know? Because several of the Fed’s OWN in-house inflation measures are roaring. The New
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The Fed Freaks Out: the Inflation Genie Is Officially Out of the Bottle

  via: Zero Hedge | by Phoenix Capital Something truly astonishing is happening at the Fed. The Fed FOMC minutes for July contained an incredible admission although most missed it. During that meeting
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The Inflation Nightmare: How inflation is slowly consuming your income since 2000. The four horsemen of inflation include college tuition, medical care, housing, and stagnant wages.

  Source: My Budget 360 Inflation has a slow destructive impact on your purchasing power.  Most people don’t think twice about inflation.  They just assume that the price of goods
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Mind blowing speech by Robert Welch in 1958

Proof that the NEW WORLD ORDER has been planned by the elite. Robert Welch, Founder of The John Birch Society, predicted today’s problems with uncanny accuracy back in 1958 and
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Fed Admits Another $4 Trillion In QE Will Be Needed To Offset An “Economic Shock”

  Source: Government Slaves P/C DONKEY HOTEY FLICKR [8/22/16]  In a Fed Staff working paper released over the weekend titled “Gauging the Ability of the FOMC to Respond to Future
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Which is More Inflationary, Government-Created or Central Bank-Created Money?

Source: By Michael S. Rozeff Ellen Brown is a strong voice for money-populism. She wants to replace the FED’s current powers with government (Treasury) control over the issuance of money. She
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The Inflation Targeting Scam And Why It Guarantees The Mother Of Financial Meltdowns

By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner May 21, 2016 The estimable Martin Feldstein put the wood to the Fed in a recent op-ed and in so doing hit the
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After 6 Years Of QE, And A $4.5 Trillion Balance Sheet, St. Louis Fed Admits QE Was A Mistake

“There is no work, to my knowledge, that establishes a link from QE to the ultimate goals of the Fed inflation and real economic activity. Indeed, casual evidence suggests that
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The Great Reset: America To Be Set To Zero.

Source: Video Rebel Posted on April 13, 2015  I might need to remind the reader how Jewish leaders are chosen. Jewish leaders are not elected. Their leadership is self-selected based
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War on ISIS & Evaporating Bonanza From Fracking Shale Oil

Source: We Hold These Truths Posted by Charles E Carlson  December 18, 2014 Two excellent studies in the Financial Times of London (FT) revealed that much of the cost of the
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This One Chart Shows Exactly How Undervalued Gold Is Right Now…

Source: Zero Hedge Submitted by Tim Price via Sovereign Man blog, For the benefit of anyone living under a rock these past weeks, Bill Gross, the so-called “Bond King” and
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If This Keeps Up, They Will Have To Start Putting Armed Guards On Food Trucks

By Michael Snyder Republic Broadcasting Network The basic necessities in life just keep getting more expensive.  On Tuesday, Hershey announced that the price of all of their chocolate bars is
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Ron Paul: Inflation Is Shouting

Inflation? Only If You Look At Food, Water, Gas, Electricity And Everything Else

By Michael Snyder Republic Broadcasting Network Have you noticed that prices are going up rapidly?  If so, you are certainly not alone.  But Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen, the Obama
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Do we get it now?

Source: David Stockmans Contra Corner Some people are either born or nurtured into a time warp and never seem to escape. That’s Janet Yellen’s apparent problem with the “bathtub economics” of the 1960s
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Are You Ready For The Price Of Food To More Than Double By The End Of This Decade?

By Michael Snyder Republic Broadcasting Network Do you think that the price of food is high now?  Just wait.  If current trends continue, many of the most common food items
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Inflation is all around us if you know where to look: Spiking food costs, rising home prices and rents, and more expensive energy.

Source: My Budget 360 Inflation is accepted as a normal part of our economy similar to how we take it for granted that the sky is blue.  It is close
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