Ron Paul: Here’s The Truth About The War Between The Alt Right And Cultural Marxists

  via: Lew Rockwell | By Tyler Durden for Zero Hedge Despite recently being demonetized by YouTube, possibly for his anti-establishment views and slamming President Trump’s decision to increase troop levels in Afghanistan, former Texas
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Islam Is Not the Problem, The US Empire Is

WHTT | News Post | January 8, 2016  Dr Ron Paul’s 16 minute address,”Are We In A Clash of Civilizations?” is a must view. Dr. Paul’s comments include: “If what is said by
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Evil Assad, Evil Gaddafi, Now Evil Putin: How the West Sells War (and Makes a Killing)

Source: Russia Insider Distraction politics and the economic variables in Ukraine and the parallels with Syria, Libya and Iraq by: Ghada Chehade As the conflict in Ukraine persists and as peace
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Propaganda and the lack thereof

source: Club Orlov THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 2014 With regard to the goings-on in Ukraine, I have heard quite a few European and American voices piping in, saying that, yes, Washington
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