Source: The Daily Sheeple Two days into the start of my daughter’s 7th grade school year, she brought home a document that triggered a bit of an apoplectic, expletive-laden
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Message from a non-oppressed black man to Colin Kaepernick…

  Source: | By Allen West If there’s one thing I live for, it’s football season, especially college. Saturday night I was enjoying a fantastic game between Charleston Southern University and North
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School Demands Mom Sign Anti-Flag Form, She Responds With Something Better

  Source: Mad World News After her student came home with a sick permission slip for what her child’s school wants students to do with the flag, a shocked mother
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Jesus Told Satan “No.” Who said, “Yes,” to Satan? 

You know what a nation is.  Sometimes called a nation-state, it is a geological area under some common authority.  That authority is legitimate and just if it operates only with
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Tucker Carlson: Tennessee schools ban Confederate flag because liberals “hate expressions of patriotism”

Liberals are “trying to crush rural American culture by banning its symbols,” the “Fox & Friends” host complained. [VIDEO]    Salon | SCOTT ERIC KAUFMAN On “Fox & Friends” Sunday, co-host Tucker
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Source: Patriot Update Monday, April 6, 2015 In “honor” of his meeting with China Ambassador Cui Tiankai, Washington Governor Jay Inslee has posted the Chinese flag between the American flag
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Let Us Salute the Flag

“Actually soldiers are more sacrificed than sacrificing. Precisely how killing Afghan goat-herds protects the United States is not clear: careful students of geography have argued that Afghanistan is somewhere else.
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American Patriotism is Dying a Slow Death

Source: The Daily Sheeple Joshua Krause May 9th, 2015 There was a time not too long ago when Americans were so patriotic, it was palpable. You couldn’t throw a rock
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Court Backs School for Banning U.S. Flag Shirt on Cinco de Mayo

Source: Political Outcast The Ninth Circus Court of Appeals is back in form, ruling that a Northern California High School was correct when it banned U.S. flag T-shirts during a
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