Source: News With Views | By Detective Phil Worts The consensus (dialectic) process There is a myth that communism is dead and that the cold war is over. Nothing could be
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Five cities win the Smart Cities Council Readiness Challenge Grant

  Source: Tech Republic | Teena Maddox There were 133 cities vying for one of five spots as part of a grant program from the Smart Cities Council. Find out the winning
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Community Education (1946) now referred to as COPS/Strong/Smart Ciies

via: Charlotte Iserbyt It’s great did this for us. link works better than link at EGRTRTE Written Submissions posted at deliberate dumbing website.  Click on link
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Feds Kickstart ‘Array Of Things’ For Blanket Surveillance In Chicago

Source: | By ROB MITCHUM All rhetoric aside about how this will benefit residents, recognize that this is a pure 100% exercise in Technocracy by Technocrats. First, the primary source of
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School Demands Mom Sign Anti-Flag Form, She Responds With Something Better

  Source: Mad World News After her student came home with a sick permission slip for what her child’s school wants students to do with the flag, a shocked mother
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The GOODLAD Agenda

  Source: ABCs of Dumb Down | By Charlotte Iserbyt A DONE DEAL UNLESS YOU…  YES YOU…  WAKE UP! One early morning, 1 a.m., 1981, while scrounging around in the National Institute
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THE ANTI COMMUNITARIAN MANIFESTO: The Historical Evolution of Communitarian Thinking

Source: Anti Communitarian League | via: The Wayback Machine THE ANTI COMMUNITARIAN MANIFESTO by Niki F. Raapana and Nordica M. Friedrich home news books articles blogs projects research links about
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Common Law has been replaced with Talmudic Law – Patrick Cullinane

  This man was right all along Source: The Guardian Patrick Cullinane has fought a running battle with the Inland Revenue since the day he was accused of not paying
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The Historical Evolution of Communitarian Thinking – Part Two

Source: THE ANTI COMMUNITARIAN MANIFESTO Ex-President Clinton and George Bush Jr. both define their policy objectives as communitarian (Galston 1991; D’Antonio 1994; Milbank 2001; Allen 2002), yet only recently have Americans
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The Historical Evolution of Communitarian Thinking

THE ANTI COMMUNITARIAN MANIFESTO by Niki F. Raapana and Nordica M. FriedrichPART TWO: The Historical Evolution of Communitarian Thinking December 19, 2003 Ex-President Clinton and George Bush Jr. both define
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The ‘Lists of Demands’ Emerge from Universities Across the nation, students have risen up to demand an end to systemic and structural racism on campus. Here are their demands.  Note: These demands were compiled from protesters across
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At UN Summit, World Rulers Adopt Agenda for Global Socialism

The New American |  Alex Newman | Monday, 28 September 2015 A far-reaching United Nations plot to re-engineer civilization and impose global socialism on humanity, variously dubbed “Agenda 2030” and the “Sustainable
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Piers Morgan — “The Pope’s right: America doesn’t have to be a country driven by gun-toting, blood-thirsty, planet-destroying bigots”

Daily Mail | PIERS MORGAN FOR MAILONLINE I’m not surprised John Boehner sobbed like a baby in Congress today. Aside from the fact that the esteemed Speaker of the House seems disconcertingly
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“Ninety-nine members of the U.S. Senate voted to reject history standards that would have students learning more about Joseph McCarthy than George Washington, more about Indian chief Speckled Snake than
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“One of the attendees, a community educator, asked the facilitator what community education could be likened to?  The facilitator’s response was “Communist China’s system“.” Source: ABCs of DumbDown Charlotte Iserbyt Tuesday,
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