Trump approves sending 4,000 more troops to Afghanistan, senior official says

  Source: FOX NEWS President Trump has signed off on sending an additional 4,000 troops to Afghanistan, ahead of his address to the nation Monday night, Fox News has learned.
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Charlotte Riots Show Hallmarks Of George Soros Operation

  Source: Planet Free Will | By Joseph Jankowski Todd Walther, spokesman for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Fraternal Order of Police told CNN’s Erin Burnett that most of those arrested during the riots in
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CNN editing turns interview with Milwaukee victim’s sister on its head, sparks anger online

  Source: RT CNN has faced a public backlash for editing an interview with the sister of a Milwaukee police shooting victim to make it look as if she was
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Milwaukee Thug Shot by Black Cop IDed as 23yo Sylville Smith, Cousin Calls for Cops to be Killed

  Source: Information Liberation | By Chris Menahan  The Milwaukee man whose shooting triggered an anti-white riot has been identified as 23-year-old Sylville Smith. He was shot by a black police officer
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3 fatally shot, including gunman, at Berrien County Courthouse

  Source: The Detroit News | Chad Livengood and Candice Williams Berrien County Sheriff Paul Bailey said two bailiffs were fatally shot and two others — a sheriff’s deputy and a civilian
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‘Red Revolution’ (Race War) In America Hits The Point Of No Return

Black Hate Groups Incited By The ‘Communist’ Party Brings Color Revolution To America By Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine As we watch the news of threats made against police
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4 Shot, 1 Killed After Black Gunman Fires At Passing Cars On Tennessee Highway, Targeting Police, Whites

Source: Zero Hedge | Tyler Durden The worst case scenario we predicted yesterday, hours before the shocking events in Dallas had taken place, is now in play and the genie unleashed by
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DOD Program 1033 Is a Serious Threat to Our Freedom

Source: | David Risselada | May 9, 2016  Since the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, Barack Obama and his fellow “race baiting revolutionaries” have made every effort to stoke the flames
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BIRTH OF A NATION–New “Nat Turner” Movie Will Inspire More Black Violence

Via: American Freedom Party Paul Kersey and Vdare point out that anti-white snuff films are now practically their own genre. The newest movie following in the footsteps of Machete and
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American Empire: How the CIA uses NGOs to stage Color Revolutions

The ‘Lists of Demands’ Emerge from Universities Across the nation, students have risen up to demand an end to systemic and structural racism on campus. Here are their demands.  Note: These demands were compiled from protesters across
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And So It Begins – White Police Officer Reluctant To Defend Himself Beaten Unconscious By Black Male Suspect….

You knew it was only a matter of time before stories like this began to surface.  A white male police detective pulls over a black male suspect.  The police officer
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Proof Violence and Weakness Is All Democrats Have To Offer

Yesterday in Seattle, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders was holding a rally attended by around 2000 people. As Mr Sanders stepped up to the microphone, two black women forced their way on
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EXPOSED: Anti-White Professors Inciting Racial Hatred and Violence

Have you noticed that it is “politically correct” to promote the hatred and killing of Whites at state-funded universities? Source: YouTube Published on Jun 30, 2015 Renegade Broadcasting Subscribers4,930

Black people ambush police: And other stories from St. Louis

You could do an entire YouTube channel devoted to nothing but St. Louis and the racial violence and hostility you find there. Here are just five. Starting with a police
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South Carolina governor hails Confederate flag vote as ‘a new day’

“The House had bogged down as lawmakers filed more than 70 amendments. Finally, shortly before 1 a.m., all the amendments had been cleared away and the House held a preliminary
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83% of Americans Against Obama Plan to Forcibly Diversify Neighborhoods

“It has been shown again and again that anyone in the university or government system pushing for “diversity” lives in an almost entirely White neighborhood, and so the diversity agenda
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Church Shooter Told Friends He “Wanted To Start A Civil War”

“Last Wednesday — exactly one week before the Charleston church massacre — Roof told his friends and neighbors at the park that “he was looking to kill a bunch of
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