Illuminati Is REAL: Rigged Elections 2016 NWO GLOBAL Collapse Imminent


“What exactly was this supposed to symbolize?” A Pyramid of German Helmets before Grand Central Station in 1918

Pyramid of German helmets near Grand Central Terminal: black-and-white photoprint, ca. 1918: View of the employees of the New York Central Railroad, assembled in Victory Way, showing the pyramid of
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YouTube [Click here to jump to 7:33] Published on Apr 7, 2015  9 MARCH 2015 PUTRAJAYA INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION CENTRE (PICC)

How the New World Order “Globalists” Are Dividing Americans | Joachim Hagopian How can a people who have struggled long years under oppression throw off their oppressors and establish a free society? The problems are immense, but their
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Why Are Tax Payers Being Charged To Destroy Their Own Jobs?

Military Spending Around the World

Security Spending Around the World Security Spending Around the World The United States spends more on security and defense than any other country in the world. Let’s look at what
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“Jewish power is supremely epitomized by the fact that criticism of Christianity, Islam, or any other major religion or ethnic group is fully permissible in our societies, but criticism of
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“Ninety-nine members of the U.S. Senate voted to reject history standards that would have students learning more about Joseph McCarthy than George Washington, more about Indian chief Speckled Snake than
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Patrick J. Buchanan Who Really Lost America?

Source: The American Conservative By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN • May 19, 2015, 12:05 AM  As Middle America rises in rage against “fast track” and the mammoth Obamatrade deal known as
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WELCOME TO WALMART: Your New World Order Superstore

Source: YouTube Published on May 7, 2015  The truth about Walmart and the New World Order. TruthMediaFilms Channel:…          

Democracy is Indispensable to Socialism: A Treatise on the Subversion of Our Republic

Source: Freedom Outpost America the Battlefield Timothy A. Pope May 8, 2015 Remove the word “Democracy” from your American vocabulary! “The United States shall guarantee to every state in this
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Hillary Clinton Calls Henry Kissinger a Friend, Praises His Commitment to Democracy

Souce: The Slatest By Ben Mathis-Lilley SEPT. 5 2014 2:52 PM Hillary Clinton has written a review of Henry Kissinger’s new book World Order for the Washington Post; it’s mostly
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Is Your Church Part of the New World Order?

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network As this Sunday comes and goes, I will not be attending church. With a scant few exceptions the church has been invaded in the
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We Desperately Need To Stop The Exploitation Of Our Children

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network Our children are being exploited. This exploitation must be stopped. This time I am not speaking about Stacy Lynne or Monika Wesolowski, both mothers,
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Two Thirds of the World Vow to Push Back Against America and the New World Order

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network Commentary (RANT) by: Roger Landry (TLB) Why is the G77 representing 133 countries facing off against America, the United Nations and the New World Order ?(see attached
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Barack Hussein Obama Is the Last American President

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network  When one looks at the scope of Obama’s Executive Orders, along with what they entail, it makes one strongly consider if Obama is attempting to
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How You Can Save Your Child’s Future

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network It is easy to become a doom and gloom prophet with regard to American education. In many ways, American education is strong in many
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Does ‘Putin’s Brain’ Believe That The United States Is The Kingdom Of Antichrist?

By Michael Snyder Republic Broadcasting Network Alexander Dugin, the man known as “Putin’s Brain“, believes that the U.S.-led New World Order is the “kingdom of the Antichrist” and that it
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The Elite Are Abducting and Murdering U.S. Children for Their Organs

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network This is a story that is not about race, ethnicity or religion. Some people will make it a demographic issue in order to obfuscate
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