EXCLUSIVE: New Email Leak Reveals Clinton Campaign’s Cozy Press Relationship

Source: The Intercept | By Glenn Greenwald and Lee Fang INTERNAL STRATEGY DOCUMENTS and emails among Clinton staffers shed light on friendly and highly useful relationships between the campaign and various members of the U.S.
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Dang, That Huma is Fast! Whose Emails Does She Have? Everybody’s?

By Je Suis Spike President Obama was inaugurated 7.8 years ago. That is, 2,842 days ago President Obama took an Oval Office and made it a throne. This amounts to
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Where’s The Media? A BOMBSHELL Is Being Ignored!

Source: The Market Ticker So you want to talk to Mark Cuban on the latest Hillary email thing eh? You ought to try someone with a bit of credibility.  You
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Hillary Clinton’s Lesbian Lover Huma

Huma Abedin Terrorist Connections- http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/26318…

Comey Accused of Interfering in US Presidential Election

  by Stephen Lendman  Had Comey recommended Hillary be held criminally responsible for mishandling classified State Department documents last July, along with perjury for lying to the FBI and Congress,
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Rep. Issa: FBI ‘Would Like To Indict Both Huma [Abedin] And Hillary Clinton’

The Daily Caller | Steve Guest California Rep. Darrell Issa said Friday that the FBI “would like to indict both Huma [Abedin] and Hillary Clinton” for conducting classified government business on
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